Dance Dance Thingy

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     I woke up under my bed again on Saturday, but this time Zalen wasn't anywhere to be found. It wasn't any surprise that he wasn't around, but I was extremely interested in why he was so angry last night. We didn't exactly have the best relationship but I still cared about him, and something was wrong.

     "Hello." I called out warily to see if anyone was home and I got no answer. Rolling out from under my bed I realized how unclean I was, and that I was still in my party outfit. I groaned and headed to the bathroom with a pair of sophies and a tank top and took a shower. When I washed all the dirt and grime away I got dressed and twisted my hair up into a bun, and inspected myself in the mirror. The first thing I noticed was of course the purple blotch on my neck that had me smiling to myself and almost choking on the toothpaste as I brushed my teeth.

     "Carter I'm coming over." I yelled into my phone and waited for the groan to let me know that he had heard me. Once it came after some time I slapped my sidekick shut and threw it into my hobo bag and slipped on some flip flops. I ran down the stairs and grabbed a water bottle from the kitchen and threw that into my bag before I got my purple bike from the garage and rode to Carter's house.

     "Ding dong." I kicked Carter's front door and made sound affects so he would know it was me. Of course its always nice when some random dizzy girl opens the door and stumbles out while holding her shoes. "Hey Carter." I called over the chick's head and she held her ears while I laughed. Letting myself into Carter's home I locked the door behind me and ransacked the fridge. They barely had anything in the fridge, but what did you expect with three boys and a mom who can't cook. Carter was the youngest while his two older brothers were away at college. I grabbed the cheese and some bread that was looking slightly moldy when someone slapped my butt. Startled I let out a yelp and looked up to see Matt the oldest brother eating an apple behind me.

     "Nice view." he commented.

     "Nice hoe." I stuffed the bread back in the fridge along with the cheese.

     "Make me a sandwich."

     "Nope." I rubbed his head as I passed by him and headed up to Carter's room hearing the door slam shut behind me.

     "Hey Carter." I jumped on the bed next to the lazy boy who was reading a comic book with his shirt off. "Nice abs." I slapped his stomach and laid my head down on his six pack and he pulled the hair band out of my hair.

     "Why is this wet." he said quietly still in his comic book.

     "I just took a shower. Hey wanna see my hickey?" I slapped the comic out of his hands and he sat up. "Look." I smiled and pointed to the purple blotch on my neck.

     "Professional." he smirked slightly at me and grabbed the comic from the floor while I made myself comfortable. Instead of commenting on how I just took up all of the space in his bed, he just pushed me off. One thing about Carter was that even though he barely talked, he could still definitely get his point across.

     "Haven't you missed me Carter?" I asked him dramatically from the floor.

     "No. I saw you like yesterday." he turned on the t.v. in his room to some random channel and we watched the soaps. "Who gave it to you." he picked up the stupid comic again.

     "Taylor." slowly he put the comic down in his lap.

     "Taylor…. the junior?" he questioned.

     "Yeup the really really hot sexy one." I smiled brightly at him.

     "Be careful."

     "Why." I crossed my arms and Carter went back to his comic. "Why?" I said again. "Carter!"

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