The New Boy

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Peyton's POV

I'm about 20 weeks and 2 days now and Madelyn and Jadden's beds will be here in a little while

So I got into the shower and since it was cold out a put on jeans and a blue shirt and brown boots

I went to the bathroom put on make up brushed me teeth and walked down stairs

I looked in the kitchen and saw my mom wasn't home so I went to the fridge

Got out eggs and bacon cracked the eggs put them into a bowl with milk stirred them and put them in a pan

Then took the bacon out put it in a pan pan and waited a few minutes and then took my eggs and bacon out of the pan and put them an my plate

I started eating and got a text so I picked my phone up and read it

It said from Landon-I'm coming over

I replied with alright see ya in a minute

Then finished my food then I went to the sink washed my pans plate and fork

I felt hands around my waist and turned around and saw Landon

I kissed him and he kissed me back

Your so beautiful he said

I blushed and smiled at him and said thanks

Then someone knocked on the door

I went over to it Landon followed me

I opened it and saw a really cute guy

Hello I'm Austin I'm 16 and I just moved in next door he said looking me up and down smiling until he noticed my huge belly

Hi I'm Peyton and this is Landon

I was wondering if I could hangout with you today he said

I smiled and said I don't think you want to put together baby stuff

He laughed and said I don't really mind

I could tell Landon was jealous because his face was red

I told Austin he was welcome to join us

I invited him in and Austin,Landon,and I watched the blind side

When it was almost over there was a knock at the door so I walked over To it And opened it I saw the big truck and i had to sign for the baby stuff and they brought it in

I told them to put it in two different piles girl and boy they did as I told them left

Landon and Austin took the beds,bouncers and stroller and car seat upstairs

I Jadden's high chair out and out it together then did the same with Madelyn's I had to admit they were so cute

I then walked up stairs to see that they were done with the beds and they were moving them around to where I wanted

Then when we were done It was about 5:30 so I asked if we could go to the mall

They both nodded and said yes we got In Landon's car and drove off it was a silent ride and when we got there he parked in the expecting spot

We got out of the car and we went to a kraft store and I saw letters and I made Madelyn Aliee and Jadden Michael and bought then and nails to put them up

Then Landon dropped me and Austin off kissed me then my belly and drive off

Austin and I sat in the living room and started talking

Austin-How far along are you?

Peyton-20 weeks and 2days I said with a smile on my face

Austin- Your really big for only being that far along he said

Peyton-Yeah well I'm having twins so

Austin-Do you want me to put the letters on their walls for you?

Peyton-That would be great

We went up stairs got out the letters for Jadden's name then did the same for Madelyn then nail them to the wall

It looks great Austin I said and he blushed

I laughed and said you better get home

He smiled and said yeah and you should get rest for the babies

Yeah I said I hugged him while saying bye and we parted

Looked into each other's eyes then he leaned in and kissed me and I didn't stop him

Landon's POV

I was driving back to Peyton's house because I forgot my phone

I pulled into her drive way and saw them kissing in the living room

I was so mad I jumped out of the car

Walked through the door and Peyton looked at me with sadness in her eyes

I ran over to Austin and said


I'm sorry I really am but she is just so beautiful Austin said

I ran toward him and punched him right in the nose

Peyton ran toward him pulled him up off the ground and put him in the couch


I did as told and walked out of her house and got in my car and drove away but not regretting what I did at all but I was really upset that Peyton kissed him back

Peyton's POV

I am so sorry Austin I said

It's not your fault he said smiling

Then it was quiet for a moment then he said I do like you

I blushed

Then he leaned in and kissed me agai this time I stopped him

What's wrong he said

I can't do this I am with Landon I spoke softly

Maybe you can't think about taking a chance with me he said

I'll think about it I said smiling

He winked then walked out the door

I was smiling still but I was upset about Landon I'll call him

Landon-What do you want Peyton

Peyton-To say sorry

Landon-Well maybe If you tell me why you kissed him back

Peyton-I would but I don't really know

Landon-Well I forgive you and love you

Peyton-I love you too!! :D

Landon-Goodnight babe

Peyton-Goodnight i said then fell fast asleep

16 and pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now