Chapter 8

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Niel's POV.
I woke up to pain shooting all through my body. I looked around for a sight of twistanna and her guard cat. A wash of Sudden fear flew over me. Is she okay? Does she need help? Why is she so far away? I brushed myself off and looked for any sign of any guy. I exited out the room I was In and saw a boy about my age with brown hair and Greenish brownish eyes. He was had just a tiny bit of muscle on him. I ran up to him"Hello, Could you help me? "I asked fear rising of dying here. " I'm as lost as you are pal. The names Kirik."Kirik extended an arm out to shake my hand. I shook his hand"Niel.By the way, Have you seen a dirty blonde Greenish bluish eyed girl around her? She should be with a lion sized Blue and White cat. "I was starting to Let myself relax.shes gonna be fine. I don't like her anyway. I'm just concerned that she's gonna live... Without me. " No, But she seems important. I'll help you find her."Kirik was nice but I don't and can't trust him just yet.what if he tries to take Twistanna away from me? I won't let him if he tries."Thank you."I said suspiciously.
"We should probably Go eat first. " Kirik Seemed Like he was starving. I laughed. "That we should my friend, that we should." We started down a hallway with Bookshelves everywhere. They were as tall as The structure itself. "Is this the library? " I looked around. Each shelf had different coloured books. Ranging from Yellow, to Navy blue. "This is actually only the sorcerer's library. We have a library for each class. Like the warriors class. Our library is decorated differently to match the class. We also have an elf, dwarf, humans, dragons, Potions, fairies, Ghosts, Ogres, trolls, Poison, Libraries." My eyes widened with disbelief. "Where to they keep all the libraries? " I couldn't believe my ears."They keep them in secret chambers."Kirik explained things I didn't even know. I have a lot to learn. "So on the first day, We all have each class. Which I just explained the libraries too. We also happen to Have an assassin class as well. Along with a ninja class. And of course Knights.Then they take a few days to put you in the ones they see best for you. "Kirik explained.He lead us to the cafeteria. Where most boys gathered. " How many girls are there in Battle school? "I asked, Not embarrassed at all. " Many. Most girls though go for the non Fighting classes. Your friend, what is she good at?"Kirik seemed curious, we both sat down with Meat and mashed potatoes with piping hot brown gravy. "Fighting.Mouthing.I don't know what else."Kirik then proceeded to gasp." We also have dances. "I thought carefully. Would twistanna go with me? Or should I take someone else and make her jealous? " You should consider taking Taren. "Kirik pointed to a blue haired, Skinny but built girl. She had Grey eyes like mine." She's one of the only girls that can fight. But best leave her alone for now"She's beautiful... But I want the personality. I don't have feelings for twistanna.. Do I? "Hey Niel, Snap out of it! " I was returned back to reality. "Deciding on who to start talking to? " Kirik asked me. "Yeah.So, You have anybody you like or want to talk to? I didn't realize what I had said until Kirik already answered" I'd like to meet this friend of two sound like your very close."Kirik showed no sign of liking twistanna. That's good. She's mine. What am I saying? He can have her.. Gahhhh I don't know anymore. "I also want to try to talk to taren." Kirik seemed Like he wanted to leave."where's our dorms?"I asked so I could at least get some rest. "I'll show you come" He beckoned me to follow him. We went down the Blue hallway and Lead back to where I started. I laid down on the bed that... Twistanna's gear and clothing?! Oh god! What happened? I hope she's okay. "Is that your friends clothing?" Kirik laid down in the bed next to me. We chatted for a while about our pasts and our lives. "I remember the time I had gotten stuck flower pot after digging the flowers out. " Me and Kirik laughed like brothers. "I remember the time I picked up and onion and told a girl that's how pretty she was. She ran off crying. " We laughed even harder. "Are you a rainbow? Because you clear up my day. " I told Kirik. "Your the milk to my cookies, you make my heart crumble"We laughed to where neither of us could breath." I'm getting sleepy. "Kirik announced tiredly. " So am I. Time to turn in. "I closed my eyes and said to myself: twistanna will be fine. She's just a rude, stuck up girl... I don't like her in that way. She can handle herself. I drifted to sleep thinking about my future as a knight.

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