Chapter One

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(A/N Wrote this pretty late  well, not late but I stayed up late so I'm tired. Lots of mistakes not yet edited.)

2 months before preface******

"Lets play 20 questions."

"Okay." He drummed his fingers on the side of the dock they use to keep little children from falling to their demise.We had just finished eating and went out behind the sea-side restaurant.

"Whats your favorite color?"


"No, just you're favorite color." He repeated it slowly as if I was a kindergartner.

"Yes, for what you can't just have a random color?'

"Why not? What if I want to have a favorite color that is just a floating blob hmmmmm? Then it would be a random color?" He grinned thinking he won.

"Nope" I popped the p loudly.

"What do you mean nope?"

"You would then obviously have to say what is you're favorite color for a blob floating in mid air.""For example If I were to see a blob in mid-air I would want it to be Blue but, I like RED Ferrari's." I put emphasis on the color each time I spoke. "I like YELLOW flowers and, I like PURPLE pancakes. "

"Purple"? He questioned.

"Yes Asher, PUH-ER-PULL!  Not all pancakes have to be such an ugly white/brown. I threw my hands up in exasperation.

"Okay Okay!" He threw up his hands in pretend defense. I looked down at my watch it was already eleven I told my over protective mother I'd be home at twelve and, the drive was around 45- 50 minutes.

"We have to go now it's elven" I sighed. I then realized I was by myself.

"ASHER?!" I cupped my hands around my mouth and yelled. Then I saw him. A creepy man. He was tall and awkward and, when he moved he had a slight limp to his left leg. He had yellowing teeth, pale,skinny fingers but, what I noticed most about the fingers is that they were wrapped tightly around Asher's neck. Did I scream? Nope. I wish I could have. I opened my mouth and all that came out was a  muffled choke/gasp. Before I could even react a group of bearded men came running to help Asher. They struggled with the man but, managed to pry his fingers off Asher's neck. I have no idea what happened next of course. No, I didn't black out. I was grabbed from behind,gagged, and hit over the head with something that told my brain a message. Lights out.

           4 weeks  later

I woke in a hospital. In one of those stupid robe things. Wait. Why am I in a hospital? Who's sick? Wait I'm in the robe. I'm slow today. So, Im in a hos... The thinking in my mind was interrupted by a shrill shriek. Followed by my adopted sister, Ava, jumped onto my bed.

" FROST!" FROST! SHES AWAKE!" She screamed. " I TOLD YOU SO DADDY!" She stuck her tongue out at him and smiled."

"Told them what?" I asked confused.

"That you'd wake up." She smiled and hugged me.

"What day is it?"

"The 12th."

"Oh I missed two days?"

"No,No,No sissy it's the 12th of May.

"WHAT!" I jumped up and was granted pounding pains in my head. Last time I was awake it was March.

"Frost, honey they found you knocked out in a van." Said my mother speaking for the first time.

"Who was driving the van?"

"We don't know they must have seen the cops and ran." Well, I can't blame them. I thought. If I saw the cops at my van with a unconscious girl in it. I would run also.


"When can I go home." I sighed obviously I was okay now. I was sick of being poked and prodded. I was SICK OF IT. The next one to touch me was going to get bit.HARD.The door opened again and I groaned. "NO MORE BLOOD TEST.!" I buried my head in the blankets.

"Okay,Okay I'll go I obviously came for blood." I heard the familiar voice and poked my head out.


"Hello stranger." I sat up and tried to get out of the bed but, I was hooked up to some machine so, I was pulled back like a dog on a leash. I pulled myself back up on the bed. I wanted to know what had happened I had some minor memory loss after the coma meaning my memory of the last 24 hours screwed. He sat on the end of the bed so, I crawled over and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"What? You haven't kissed me in months and that's all I get?" I knew he was joking but his words held some truth.

"Tell me what happened first." I offered

"well..."He started.

"What happened." I asked more sternly.

"Frost." he pulled me on to his lap.

"I can't tell you everything.: He sighed. "I'm not allowed." "you're dad will have to tell you.

""Huh?" "My dad?" I was confused now. "He wasn't there what would he know.

"More than you think."He shook his head "Everyone thought you were powerless

"Huh." Wow I've been saying that way too much.

"Sorry Frost I can't tell you. Wish I could but, you're father would kill me."He laughed at some joke I didn't get. I took out my phone."Who are you calling?"

"My father."


"Duh to come and get me. I want to know what the heck is going on."

   [A/N Her first and last name are--- Zirellia Llithehs( Zur-el-eee-uh)  (Lith-ez)  -1 month befor preface.]

"FILTHY LITTLE COWARD!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "THE GIRL WAS IN THE VAN AND YOU JUST LEFT IT? She was furious.

"Miss I swear it was not safe the people police were there."


"Too many" he grunted.


"Miss I think you are being a bit unfair.Came a small voice from behind.

"Oh Sevvalon you think I'm being unfair." She whispered eyes glinted with malice and hatred.

"Give him one more chance. I will even tell you the best people to use. The strongest. he shook under her glare. He jumped when her glare turned to a smile that held no good.

"Alright." she turned.  "Mauurice Boyka" She shuddered at his hideous name. "You have ONE month to return with the girl." She laughed silent at first, but, getting louder. "Or I'll take you're  arms and cut them open with you're own fingernails."She laughed again,louder this time."Oh if you fail i'll do so much more than what I'm about to do." She  pulled him over a took his finger in her hand bent it backwards and ripped it from his body. The crack echoed across the room. Blood stringing from his now severd finger on to her hand. She threw the finger on the ground and smashed it. Laughing at the pathetic man on the ground.

"Clean it." She told Sevvalon. "You spoke ou of turn."  He bent with the washcloth he had from cleaning the floor in the kitchen. "Nuh-uh-uh" She smiled flashing her perfect white teeth.

"Clean it with you're tongue."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2012 ⏰

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