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Then - Carmella

I rest my head further into the hard, naked chest of Mike, my eyes closed as I relish in this moment. Everything feels right. Everything is good. My lips rest in a content smile and my fingers play around with the light hair just below his belly button.

I listen to the soft beat of his heart and the soothing sounds of his breathing as it exits his partially open lips. I know he's awake now - and I'm sure he knows I am too - but neither of us says anything. Both of us are just happy to finally be with one another after all this time. 

Everything has finally set into place and I feel complete. 

"You know you snore in your sleep, right?" He finally speaks up, his voice deep and husky. Just the sound of it makes my heart beat faster and my insides curl with want. 

I playfully slap his chest and bite my lip, trying to hold back my smile. "I do not!"

"You do, love. It's cute though. I don't mind." He says and I see the smirk on his face when I look up at him. 

"I missed you," I whisper as I look deep into his eyes, adoring the way the sparkle in the early sun that is shining through the window. 

He takes his fingers and gently pushes my hair away from my face, making my heart skip a beat at the intimate gesture. "I've missed you more than you'll ever know."

I can't help but smile at his words, blushing slightly as I do so. I bury my face into his chest and he chuckles before using his hand to tilt my chin so I am looking at him again. Slowly, he brings his lips down to mine and I scoot up to make it easier. When our lips meet, I swear I hear fireworks exploding and angels singing.

The kiss quickly deepens and turns into a heated display of our affections for one another. Hands roam and sounds of pleasure echo around us. It's just me and him and us as one - I don't want this to ever end. 

He pulls away from me slightly and looks deep within me, an unfamiliar emotion flashing over his handsome face. 

"God, I love you." He whispers so quietly, I almost don't hear him. 

Shock forms on his face and, I'm sure, mine. He opens his mouth to say something in a panic, but I quickly plant my lips on his in a lingering kiss before pulling away and saying, "I love you, too."


"Shit. Shit. Shit." I curse as I scurry around Michael's room, searching for my lost clothes. 

He slowly lifts his head from his pillow, his eyebrows furrowed as he watches me hop around on one foot as I attempt to put my heels back on. 

"What's wrong?" He asks, confusion on his face. 

"My dad's going to kill me," I mumble before pulling my dress over my head. "I was supposed to be home thirty minutes ago."

"I'll drive you-"

"No," I interject, holding my hand to stop him. "If he sees me dropped off by a boy, I'm even more dead. Just go back to sleep, I will...Shit, I don't have your number?"

He chuckles. "Just give me yours and I will text you." He says as he leans over to his end table and grabs his Motorola Razr flip phone. 

"Awesome. It's 905-439-2412." I tell him. "I really have to go, but I really don't want to go."

He smiles and stands from his bed, taking two giant steps towards me. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me. This kiss literally captures my breath and my heart and whisks them away forever. Both will forever be his and there is nothing I can do to change that. 

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