Chapter 54: Clubbing while were
Quote Of The Day - We wanna live while were young- One Direction- Live While Were Young- Take me Home
Morgan POV:
After Abby decided to bring us all clubbing, I was literally ecstatic. Plus Savan popped in while we were gone and i can't tell you how happy I am now. Savan literally can put a smile on any ones face. That's why it's such a miracle he's here. Liam certainly will feel better after Savan and clubbing. As I sat down straightening my hair, my phone vibrated in my lap.
I finished straightening the side of my head I was on, then put down the flat iron. The little clicking noise sounded as I slid my hand across the type saying "slide to unlock".
1 new message Savan 👦 the icon above my apps said. Clicking the notification, I read the messges.
Wanna come talk to you!....3:20
Hellloooooo? -3:38
I'm coming in there man -3:45
I quickly typed a reply to him and started cleaning my room. By cleaning I mean shoving everything in a pile in one corner at the moment.
Less than 2 seconds had probably passed that Savan jumped, literally, in my room. He ended up hitting me and knocking me on to the bed. I flipped over as struggling as we both wrestled on the bed. Not that kind of wrestling you naughty people. Me and Savan are strictly best friends. Not even. he's more of a brother to me than anyone else. I remember the first time I met Savan.....
A few days later that's when we had made a deal.....
Savan and I had hung out a lot while the boys were preparing next songs for the X-Factor. Some times Abby joined us and we all did some strange and trouble some things. Making house members so pissed at us n all. Or to the hotels around town and scream up and down the halls. Yeah...
Today in particular, Savan called me to his room. He stayed at an extra house next to the main house. We always hung out together our group n all. So I cautiously slipped out of a group conversation from the rest of them. I tried to avoid others as I patterned down the stairs and through the back door to the other house.
I quietly walked in to the bustling house. All of team representatives, team vocal instructors, team coaches, all other staff was here from the show. Savan happened to be one of those people. Of course the others know me and Abby. Yet I know they'd be super suspicious if they caught me here. None of us rarely set foot in here. The door creaked open and I took my shoes off and silently moved up the stairs. Hearing a crash of something, my heart rate spiked. No one burst through a hall door, so I continued on to the room.
Finally after what seemed forever, I reached his door. Since we are all good friends, I just pushed the door open and entered. Savan laid on his bed. Taking a running start, all that reached my ears were the sounds of a creaking and possibly breaking bed frame. Plus the sound of Savan gasping for air as he cackled loudly. I sat up next to him, my back supported by the wall. He stared at me and decided to start his rant. "Look. I think I have a few feelings for you. I am not sure what they are. Maybe they are brotherly, or maybe not. Id like to think they are brotherly. It's not bad to like you, if I do, yet it is bad. Harry's always been talking about you. Non stop. We could be practicing Viva la Vida for on stage, and he will blurt out random memories of you. Or what he finds attractive in you. It's bros before hoes. Okay? So we are making a pact here on this day. We are strictly and ONLY brother and sister."
I nodded as I processed it all in. Savan has mixed feelings, yet he isn't gonna do anything about it. Because it is Harry, his best friend. Harry liked me. Harry liked me. Harry liked me. He. What? I dropped my jaw in confusion I was so lost. "Wait excuse me? Back it up. Harry LIKES ME?" I Shrieked loudly. He clamped a hand over my mouth. Savan put a finger to his lips. 'Shhhh'.
Secretly Stalked: One Direction Story