❤Proposal And Pregnacy❤

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Dove cameron
Mitchell hope
Sofia carson
Booboo stewart
Kenny ortega
Cameron boyce
Luke Cameron

1 month later dovell came true they got together and mitchell has a big suprise for her today what do you think it is? Well lets read to find out💖

Mitchell: guys should i propose to Dove?


Mitchell: okay okay

Cameron: when are you proposing??

Mitchell: Tonight.

Booboo: i have to be there!

Mitchell: no im taking her out to dinner then proposing

Boys: Fine!

Thomas: Well goodluck man!

Mitchell: Thanks!

Thomas: No promblem

-with the girls-

Dove: -walks out of her room- Guys....

Brenna: -Turns around- What?

Sofia: -turns around-

Dove: im.......pregnat..

Girls: -shocked-

Dove: -waits for their reactions-

Girls: -squeals-

Sofia: CONGRATS!!!

Brenna: Does mitchell know?!?!

Dove: im telling him tonight

Brenna: okay, im so happy for you!!!

Sofia: Girl or Boy?!?

Dove: idk and thanks!

Girls: np!

-That night they were finsished and just talking-

Mitchell: So i have a big suprise for you -smiles-

Dove: same -smiles-

Mitchell: you first

Dove: okay mitchell....

Mitchell: yeah?

Dove: im.......pre......pregnat....

Mitchell: -shocked- with who's baby?!

Dove: y-......Yours..

Mitchell: -gets happy- Thats Awsome!

Dove: wait what -looks at him-

Mitchell: im gonna be a father! -laughs-

Dove: -relif- i thought you were gonna get mad

Mitchell: of course not, now my suprise -stands up-

Dove: -looks at him-

Mitchell: -goes infront of her and gets on one knee-

Dove: Mitchell?

Mitchell:  My life is wonderful because you are with me, you make me happy even if I feel sad and low. Your smile lightens up my life and all the darkness disappear. Your love has made me crazy. I will love you till the end of my life. And I want to be with all my life. I love you, will you marry me?

Dove: -in Tears-  yeah i will  -smiles-

Mitchell: -puts the ring on her finger and gets up spinning her around-

Dove: -laughs-

-The Next day-

Dove: girls guess what!?!

Brenna: what what what what what what what what what what!

Sofia: What what what what what what what what what what!

Dove: calm down geez -laughs- im engaged to mitchell!

Girls: -squeals-

Sofia: IM SO HAPPY!!!!!

Dove: the wedding is tomorrow!!

Sofia: we need dresses!!!!

TO BE CONTINUED...............

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