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Dove cameron
Mitchell hope
Cameron boyce
Sofia carson
Booboo stewart
Kenny ortega

It was the wedding day witch no won thought it was gonna come
This fast! sofia and dovy was getting ready, dove was so nervous that she wanted to throw up this wedding thing was new for her also taking care of her baby boy it was borned the day before
Sofia helped Dove down the step gently "dove are you nervous?" Sofia said looking at her. "Yeah im fine" Dove responded the fact that she was lying but she didn't want Sofia to know. They were talking as brenna walks over to them "Hey guys the wedding is in 1 hour!!!" She said squealing. "Yeah i know im not nervous at all heh" dove said giving a fake smile. "Dove i know your fake smiling whats wrong?" Sofia said pulling her down to sit, "well I've never bin to a wedding or bin married or have a child how am i supposed to handle this!" She said frustrated. Dove sighs not convinced "i dont know", Thomas walks in "Hey guys! Whats up!!" He said with a smile,  "Yeah everything fine just talking" sofia said. "About throwing up?" Sofia looked at him responding "How did yo--" she gets cutoff by him 'know? Oh well Mitchell is nervous too we were talking about it" he said, sofia looked at dove "see he's feeling the same way" she said rubbing her arm as jacob woke up crying, dove groaned in exausment and walked to him as sofia watched "dove need help?" Sofia said as dove holds jacob in her arms "no im okay" she said. 1 hour later the wedding was starting then they gave their speech. Cameron started to say "Mitchell do you exept  dove  to be with you for the rest of your life and take care of you forever?" He said looking at him as he replied looking at dove "yes" he smiles
"Dove do yoh exept mitchell to be with you the rest of your life and take care of you forever?" He said as he looked at dove as she replied "yes" she smiled at mitchell. Cameron smiled as he grabbed the rings and gave it to them as mitchell put the ring on doves finger then dove put the ring on his finger as they both look at each other smiling. "Now i may pronouse you husband and wife, Mitchell you may kiss the bride" He said backing up 1 step as mitchell kissed dove as fireworks when on, thyey pulled back with everyone clapping as they smiled at eachother and looked at the crowed that was cheering. From that day on they were happy with their little boy. You don't find love, love finds you even of you think it won't
  The End

❤Season 2 coming soon❤

So Hard To Let Go~A Dovell Story  ❤SEASON 1❤ [COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now