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Kevin was sprawled on the floor amidst his blood. His face looked rather serene, like he had reached an eternal peace, but his limp, dead body said otherwise. Anna sat at the table with her head in her hands. Her lips trembling and eyes brimming with tears. It seemed as if I was the only one enjoying this. I thought of what the papers would read, "Young man of 21, killed by psychopath"? I snickered at the thought, quite pleased with myself. The TV showed static and I was reminded of the time Anna and I grew closer than ever. We were both 8, watching Courage The Cowardly Dog in Anna's house. There was a huge storm outside complete with loud thunder and flashing lightning. In the next room we could hear the loud voices of her parents arguing again. Suddenly the lights went dim and the TV showed static. We sat there in silence afraid of the storm. Soon there was a loud clap of thunder and, surprised though I was, Anna was crying on my lap. We were only 8 so I didn't really know if I should comfort her. Something changed between us that day. A shift in the bond we shared. I, for one, knew that it had grown stronger. Thinking about the events of last week however, I feared to think what our relationship must be now.....

Last week :

It had been two days since we met Kevin, just two. I was quite happy that we hadn't seen him. Especially since the winter break was now over and classes would begin tomorrow. We didn't need any distractions. My joy was short lived. As we entered class the next day, there sat in front of us a very smug looking Kevin. Like last time he didn't acknowledge me but immediately gestured to Anna to sit beside him. My head was hurting at the thought of how cliché the whole scene was.

Before I knew it he was hanging out with us almost everyday. He walked Anna back to the dorm everyday after class. His presence really irked me. It was sickening to watch her admire the guy. He was so full of himself. Unfortunately however I couldn't do much about it. I didn't want Anna to misread my intentions, but when he held her hand today I knew I had to put an end to this. My blood boiled at the sight of their entangled hands. How could she be so careless. Was she trying to endanger herself like last time? As I walked behind them trying not to intrude and yet hopelessly trying to do exactly that I couldn't help but overhear their conversation. He was asking her out to dinner. I laughed internally. Like as if she would agree to such a stupid idea. And just like that, I was wrong. Again.

My brain couldn't comprehend what was happening. Did she actually just agree? If we weren't surrounded by people I would've yelled at her then and there. I think I was suffering a panic attack. I HAD to do something, and I had to do something fast.

And I did. But, that thing I did? That's what created this rift between us. That's the reason Anna looks like her mind is torn into bits. That's the reason I'm smiling as I narrate to you my story.

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