Umbra High!

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Narrator's P.O.V

Birds could be heard chirping, crickets singing beautifully,It was a normal day at Sylvia Street,until...

A very loud playlist of ke$ha blasted from a local home.

"Wake up in the morning feeling light headed-"a groggy sounding Kim sang while walking to the bathroom, he slammed the door and continued his daily routine.

Once he was done, he quickly got dressed in a plain blue hoodie that reached to only his waist and wrists, his black jeans,his blue converse and his necklace that had a tiny silver crown dangling from it.He proceeds to walk out his room to eat breakfast.

"dad!"he said going down the stairs, his dad was never home due to work, but klim was always expecting a surprise. Klim reached the kitchen and looked around, once he didn't see his father he shrugged and sat on the counter after getting cereal"oh well...guess he's not here, I wonder where he went"he said softly as he rubbed his chin.

-30mins later-

Klim walked along the sidewalk, with his earbuds on, still listening to ke$ha since its surprisingly his favorite singer, a person soon after tried to catch up to klim.

A red haired boy that seemed to be 6'0 and was wearing a button up shirt with his tie over his shoulder, probably must have been in a hurry."klim!"he shouted from behind trying to get his attention,klim just continued walking"klim!!!"he shouted louder earning the oblivious klim to look back at his friend.

"Adam buddy!"he said as he took off his earbuds and walked towards Adam with open arms, expecting a hug, one that Adam took in well.

Adam hugged klim for like 5 seconds before he lets go"Dude! So good to see you"he said happily with a smile that looked weird on his face, since his facial features were always rough looking.

"Didn't I see you yesterday?"klim asked slightly confused, although his thoughts were wrong.Adam tilted his head slightly.

"Klim, we haven't seen each other for at least two weeks"he says obviously worried about klim since he knows about his condition.

"Oh... Right, stupid short term memo-wait...what were we talking about?"klim asked, obviously forgetting about the topic, Adam just chuckled and put an arm around Klim as they started walking towards the school again.

After what seemed to be a 15 minute walk, they finally reached the school, immediately seeing people almost bump into them, klim easily dodging all of them while Adam's being the giant he is made him an easy target.

They reached the school gates and started looking around, light blue walls and white flooring could be seen, while the lockers were all over the walls , probably a dozen of people were opening and closing them by the minute."hey Adam?"this is klim talking again.

"Yeah klim?"he asked, looking to side to face his slightly shorter friend.

"Which was my locker again?"he asked casually, earning a sigh from Adam, he just calmly guided klim towards his locker.

"There, when did this short term memory loss thing started, klim?" Adam asked while leaning on a random locker.

Klim stopped opening his Locker and only heald the lock, he seemed to be deep in thought, probably thinking really hard to see if he remembers.

"You know what...dont hurt yourself thinking, just get your stuff"Adam said as he looked around to see if he recognized anyone.

Klim just nodded and started opening his Locker and getting his stuff from it."done!"klim says happily as he closed his locker, revealing a shorter girl with purple hair and purple eyes that was probably waiting for klim to notice her ,but wasn't noticed as klim opened his Locker.She cleared her throat to get his attention."klim"her voice was sweet sounding, but her face obviously was angry that she was so easily ignored.

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