Umbra High! part 3

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-Klim's P.O.V-

Ok, I'm currently stalking this girl Trixie, she doesn't look difficult to talk to, maybe I should just ask for some cotton candy...But, what's the fun in that? I say as I get closer to Trixie's locker which  said girl in front of it"I wonder how she got that thing in there"I said aloud but not enough for her to hear. Trixie then opens her locker as a sweet smell of cotton candy fills the area, instantly making me drool,  well not literally but good enough.

"YAY! It's all done"Trixie said cheerfully as she clapped her hands together and licked her lips a little  as she suddenly takes out a stick that would go straight to the cotton candy maker.

I already have a plan, I'll just wait till she prepares the cotton candy on the stick and I'll just grab it and go...wait, isn't that stealing? Adam told me that stealing is bad, but I neeeeed cotton candy. I looked like an idiot fighting with myself for a few seconds but then it hit me, it literally did, something was thrown at me from afar and once I looked over to Trixie, she was gone, wow, she's a ninja.

I look down to see what was thrown at me and come to a realization that it was a paper plane"Oh? What a neatly made plane"I say and chuckle by myself as I open it and read the letter that I assumed was inside with my extremely awesome thinking

To:Boy following me weirdly~

   Come meet me at the janitors closet,  I have a surprise for you ;);););)


I read the note carefully before I crumble the plane and throw it away and dash as fast as I can to the janitors closet without thinking, I just wanted that sweet and delicious cotton candy. After a while of running I slow down and think for a second"wait, what was I doing again?" I asked myself and look around for a few seconds before I suddenly smell that delicious smell that I've been craving for, I turn around and follow the smell till I reach the janitors closet.

I slowly open the door and all I see is darkness, i decide to step into the creepy closet and try to find a darn light switch"where is it? Where is it?" I say lowly right before  I hear the door close behind me with a low thud sound"craaaaap" I whisper to myself as I turn around not even remembering where the door was. Suddenly I hear someone laughing in the corner, I wasn't taking this, this was way to creepy for me.

"BEGONE FOUL DEMON!" I yell right before I randomly take out holy water from my backpack, don't ask me why I have it, I just can. I splash the holy water at the direction I heard the laughing coming from and hear a yelping and shuffling  sound as the lights suddenly turn on and Trixie appears on the floor crouching down trying to fix her now wet hair.

"Aish, why did you have to throw water at me?"she asks as she chuckles again and stands up and dusts her clothes off a bit, she then extends  her arm at my direction and grinned"Trixie Cornell, nice to meet you stranger"she said with her perky tone waiting for a handshake.

I just found her grin the cutest thing, like seeing a puppy rolling around, I happily take her hand and shake it"Klim Allin-ahhh...what was my last name again?"I tried to introduce myself but failed as I  forget  my own last name, what an idiot!"Klim Alli-Alli-Alli-Alli" I kept trying to remember but couldnt .

"Klim Ally?"she asked and let go of my hand, she then started laughing "Ally is a girls name dummy!"she said laughing as she holds her stomach, maybe she has stomach aches too.

I pout childishly as I fold my arms"That's not my Name!  I just can't remember it, thats all"I say embarrassed  as I look away from her.

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