After we got back

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I instantly began to fall for her again. I wanted to talk to her every minute of everyday. She filled my brain. This past Wednesday we actually met for the first time in real life. I was in group therapy, and she messaged me multiple times that she was in the lobby. My friends had known we'd broken up, but not that we had gotten back together. I made the excuse of needing to use the bathroom. I walked through the door, and there she was. I felt hear fill my cheeks as she came over to me. We hugged for what seemed like days, we kissed for so long. Eventually, I had to get back to group, but I convinced my dad to let me stay afterwords for a bit. I waited patiently with my best friend, we had smoked some weed. Then she was out of therapy. I walked out and we talked for a few minutes, before kissing again.
"You sure you don't wanna go into the bathroom?" She whispered
"Yes baby, I'm not feeling it."
We went into one of the backrooms, we snuggles together on a couch, and made out alot. My best friend was just awkwardly there. I groped her, she moaned so loud. I knew from that moment I would forever love her. Eventually, she had to leave. I left some hickies, she wanted more. Her mom was upset that she lied about who I was to her, but her dad was proud. She is the one for me, I know it.

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