sexy time...for now?

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We began sexting, a lot. I'm not gonna lie it was great, then we would have normal conversations also. I dreamed about her almost daily, I tried to figure out how I could see her (she lived an hour away). I was willing to do anything. School started up about 2 weeks later, we both became more busy. We talked less and less everyday. The dreams of her began to fade, but I still thought of her daily. I spent hours staring at her picture to memorize every line of her  face. If she reads this, she shall now know this. I worried she was going to leave me, so worried. It haunted me daily, not joking. I had fallen in love so fast, I couldn't even see it infill now. My school made my depression go from a two to a eight in days. One Friday, I got so scared of her leaving me, I broke up with her. That same night I was molested, I have a story about this called That Friday night check it out, I went home that night ready to lay down and die. I finally dreamed off Skylar again, I woke up in tears.

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