How to fight a monster with three heads:

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Did you really expect me to die with fire?

Helheim no.

To many people die in or because of fire. My death would be some day, yes , but it would be in a different way.

 Not only that, for a weird reason I do not know, my body is able to support high temperatures. If the temperature is below zero I barely feel I, meanwhile other people get hypothermia and die, same thing with the heat, but its really really hard for me to get hot if the temperature its too high. 

Another thing to add to my list of rare things about me..........


But Anya   You are thinking  What happened to you and the Chamira, how are you not dead?

I'M asking me the same question let me tell you.

I will try to explain what happened ( because it happened so fast, my brain couldn't process it ).

My instincts kick in, when my left arm move in front of my body, forming a gray shield, big enough to block the flames. There was something on front the shield cover (a image?) but I was too busy to examine it.

Maybe later, if there is a later.

The spear was gone, replaced with a white ring in the shape of a dragon and black eyes.

Nice I thought Now come back to be a cool spear to fight this thing.

The fire cease so I could roll in time before the Lions jaws catch me, I suppose he was surprise for not finding a roasted body in front. I quickly stand up, stabbing the spear into the masters belly.

Drops of black blood on my face and a painful roar form above was enough for me. 

I can hurt this thing, thats good,sorry dear you look friendly.

The snake got down to eliminate the cause of the pain, unluckily for him I slice his head so fast the green creature couldn't react.

I slide between the beast back legs to face the Chamiras butt .

Extending his wing to launch into the sky, I glance quickly to the people behind me. Most of them have a surprise face for seeing me alive, few have masks not showing their faces, but I was sure they were a little bit freak out about the thing in the sky.

Hiro and I locked eyes for a few seconds. Before I turn again, he nodded like if he allow me permission to kill this creature.

The Emperor just give me permission to murder, do not disappoint him.

The Chamira turn around to face the crowd and fired again. This time I raise my shield and expanded enough to protect me and the people behind. I could hear some panic screams, but I was too busy to see (even thought most of them were from men).

The wave was to strong it push me back a couple of inches. This time I didn't waited to the fire to cease. 

 I made my shield bigger until it exploded, sending the Chamira its own attack. the flames (and what look like few lighting bolts) pass harmless thought the monster body.

Once again, he launch int the ground to crush me. 

I jumped just in time and shot my spear into the Lions head, going through his face and killing him.

One out, two more.

Now the shield was gone replaced with a black ring in shape of a black dreading with gray eyes.

I landed on my back and jump up to keep fighting.

Without a leader to follow, the other two heads look confuse and loose control of their own body  bumping with houses.

I jumped to the nearest window and boost myself to land on the creatures back. 

The creature was to busy with himself to notice a girl on their back.

I summoned again my shield and I crawled to the Snakes neck. When I reach my target I sit on it, and hit the creature scales with the shield border.

I could feel how everything was cut with...........whatever the shield was made of.

Mr. Snake finally notice me and tried to shook me off and stomp me, but that made the wound bigger, so he called his friend Mr. Goat to take off the bug that was harming him.

Unfortunately he was to far to even reach the annoying human, failing and making weird noises.

In less that you can say:


Mr. Snake went down. I manage to grave what was left of the neck and pull myself to the beast furry back one more time.

Two out, one more.

Since Mr. Snake was gone Mr. Goat found it easier to control his body, making me harder for me.

He rushed to the nearest wall, smashing himself to a concrete walls with me in the middle.

I feel how a couple of my ribs where crush to little fragment of bones, tearing apart  my chest muscles with each move.

A loud cry of pain and several cruses in Spanish notice Mr goat that he way doing a good job to killing me.

The monster took another step back to do the same, giving me a couple of tics to get super, slide above the monsters back and take my spear to later stab it on Mr. Goat ugly face (finally) killing it.

With each move, everything inside me EVERY muscle on my chest was stabbed and scratched.


The lifeless body collapse, forcing me to roll a little bit, making my wound bigger. 

A couple of tics pass and the creatures body explode into gray dust covering me and the nearest thing.

Coughing blood, my eyes close and I loose conciseness.


Howdy readers!

Computer: No readers

Me: Or myself

Do u think is Anyas end?

That do u thing is the spear made of?

Her are A LOT of Voltron references and a few MC references .

If you found them point them out in the comments.

Anya:Why the F*ck u kill me.

Writer: Language! Second I didn't kill u.......I just make u feel a lot of pain.


Writer: Know shoo!

*Sweep Anya to the story*

K gtg 


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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