Connor Murphy x shy! reader

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You hated that alarm. Your (brother/sister/parent) got it got it for your 17th birthday.. you swung your legs out of bed and stood up, swaying slightly, the lack of sleep finally catching you up. you groaned and got ready for school. Just like every other day you skipped breakfast and trudged to the daunting place that you were forced to go to for 6 hours.

See, people scared you. You could say that you were shy, but that would be an understatement - and the last time a guy told you that he liked you, you ran away screaming apologies and altered swear words. gotta keep it PG13 amirite? you mentally facepalmed at all of these memories and walked in to the building. focusing on a poster on the wall, avoiding any eye contact at all and trying hard to remain unseen by your peers or bullies. hell knows you had a lot of those.

you managed to struggle through till lunch, but that's when Zoe Murphy, the most popular, perfect, lovable girl in the school approached you.

You were standing in a corner trying to shrink in to speck of nothing when she walked up to you with a sweet smile spread across her face like honey. you smiled awkwardly back, unsure of what to do when she spoke up, breaking the awkward silence - much to your relief. "hey! (Y/N), right?" You nodded a little and wondered how the hell she knew your name "Do you want to come to my party tomorrow? ive been inviting everyone and i wondered if you maybe wanted to come along?"
you smiled at this opportunity to overcome your anxiety and maybe make some new friends! You grinned a little and nodded "T-That sounds great Z-Zoe.." you tried to keep your stuttering to a minimum and she gave you her address.

She had just walked away when you realized that this would mean that your crush of god knows how many years would be there in the same house as you... the one, the only. Connor Murphy. you felt yourself go weak at the knees just thinking about him so you slid down the wall. neglecting your lunch completely as thoughts of the pale, tall, lanky boy came buzzing around your mind, leaving you blushing and smiling, huddled in a corner. snapping yourself out of the trance as the bell went for the final period. (my timetable goes 1st,2nd,break,3rd4th,lunch,5th,home so just go with it)

The final period passed without incident and you felt a swarm of butterflies attack your stomach. you could end up talking to Connor Murphy... he could end up seeing that you exist! you walked home in a happy, bubbly mood and you walked in, knowing your parents wouldn't be home until late you went upstairs and sat on your bed. after about an hour of 'um'ing and 'ahh'ing you had finished your homework. It was time to pick an oufit. you smiled to yourself and tried to decide what would most likely catch Connor's attention. you decided to go with a cute dark outfit. (picture at the top) hopefully Connor would like it.. you set it out on the floor next to your bed and wished for tomorrow to come faster.

the next day went smoothly apart from some minor hiccups of people trying to talk to you and you freaking the fuck out, unsure of what to say in return, but the end of the day went past quickly and almost in the blink of an eye, you were at home getting ready for the party. however, you had started to doubt your outfit. maybe he'd think you were a slut or something... you brushed it off and hoped to whatever god that he liked it. you finished your makeup and you set off to the Murphy house, trying to control how much you were shaking and trying to dry your sweaty hands on your ripped jeans.

You reached the front door and the music was already thumping and your heart was pounding with it. there was no way you could do this, you thought to yourself before shaking your head and openeing the door, stepping in and immediately being flooded with the smell of alcohol and sweat, assaulting your senses. This would be a tough evening, but it would be so worth it if Connor knew you existed at the end of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2018 ⏰

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