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Ariana's pov

"Ariana! It's time to get up!!" Grandma yelled from the kitchen. "Ughhhhhh." I groaned, and got up. I yawned, realizing it was the first day of middle school. I threw on an outfit, not caring what it looked like. I grabbed my backpack, and ran downstairs, getting into the car. I grabbed my phone, obviously not realizing the swarm of texts I got from Zara, my cousin.


Z: You alive???

Z: Slept in?

A:I'm alive, don't worry lmao

Z:okay, tell grandma to drop us off at serendipity, we can walk the rest of the way

A: Lmao I hope you know that I live right across from you, she can pick you up

Z: Kk


I put my phone in my backpack, right as grandma got in. "Can you grab Zara??" I asked, waiting for a reply. She nodded her head and went into Zara's driveway. I could see her looking down at me, running away from the window, and down the stairs. She stepped into the car, wearing her new white vans, an Adidas sweatshirt, and some leggings. "Are you two ready??" Grandma said, tilting her head, enough to know that we saw her. We nodded, and she drove off.

Kales pov

I walked into the school, seeing different and same people. I walked over to Brandon, and smiled. I turned my head, seeing a girl and her friend walk in. I blushed, realizing she saw me. "So, Kale, got any girls you like?" Taylor (I hate her) asked, as we all walked into the gym. "um...not really.." I said, feeling uncomfortable. "Taylor, give him a break." Brandon said, as we sat down. I turned my head to see the same girl and her friend sit right below me. I could hear them talking, and, what I heard, it sounded like her 'friend' was her cousin.

Ariana's pov

As I waited for the bell to ring, the boy above me caught my eye. I turned back, as the bell rang. Checking my schedule, I walked to reading/language, waving at Zara, and, without, noticing, bumping into the boy, the same one I couldn't keep my eyes off of.


I hope you like my first chapter!! I promise my others will be longer, but this book is basically dedicated to my cousin, and who I ship her with 😂 stay tuned bitches ;)

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