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King Jonathan paced back and forth on the castle's marble floor. Lined up in front of him was Blu and the other servants.

The king walked in such a way that almost scared the servants. His blue eyes were cold and serious.

Poor Blu was still in a state of shock of what had happened about an hour ago. She held back tears because if the king saw her crying, she would most certainly be punished.

The servants where also afraid. But not as much as Blu because they were used to the king's intimidating looks.

Everyone stood still anxious as to what the king would say. Suddenly he froze. He craned his head towards the servants and a smile grew across his face.

"Good morning everyone," he started. His voice echoed through the massive building. The servants shuddered at his powerful voice.

"We have a new servant with us here today," he said, his eyes staring right at Blu. He motioned for her to come to him.

Blu's heart pounded in her chest. She would feel everyone's eyes on her. He tried to move her feet but they couldn't move. They felt like Jell-O. Her breaths hitched as the king raised his eyebrows.

"Come on now," he said. "I don't bite. Well not usually," he crackled.

Hesitantly, Blu slowly walked towards King Jonathon, each step echoing through the castle. When she stood beside the king there was a moment of silence.

Then she saw the king move behind her and felt two large hands on her bare shoulders. She flinched at the sudden touch. The king laughed.

He cleared his throat and looked towards his servants. Keeping his hands on Blu's Shoulders.

"May I introduce you all to Blu," the king smiled greatly as his servants stared at Blu. "She will be working with all of you for now on," he continued.

"Poor girl," a man servant mumbled. Everyone stared at the man, amazed that he said such a thing in front of the king. But it was unwise of him and the other servants knew that.

"What was that you damn Scumbag?" He hissed, slowly walking towards the man. The man shook with fear and immediately regretted what he had done.

Nothing, I said nothing," the man trembled.

"Enough," the king growled. "Guards take this scum away!" The man immediately burst into tears.

"No!" He cried "I didn't do anything!"

Blu's mouth dropped in shock as she watched two guards grab each of the man's arms. Blu opened her mouth to protest but nothing came out, for she feared what would happen to her if she did.

The man stuggled and yelled but he was no match for the king's large guards.

Just before the guards dragged the man out of the Grand hall, the king mumbled something to them. "You know what to do," he said in a low voice. The guards nodded and dragged the man out the tall steel doors, his cries echoing behide him.

Blu stood still and the others stood still, their hearts beating quickly. The king dusted off his robe and strode back to where Blu stood.

"Now where were we?" King Delirious stated looking angry and serious. "Oh yes," he continued. "Blu will now work as a servant with the rest of you," the king's voice was more strong. He was still clearly very angry at what took place a couple of minutes ago which changed his mood.

"Now get back to work everyone," he barked. The servants immediately scattered and began to walk away. Blu didn't know what to do so she started to follow them, until she felt the king grab her by the arm.

King of Blue | H2O Delirious Where stories live. Discover now