Chapter 1

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I sit in my room at my desk, working away furiously at my school work. I need to study for this exam, it's really important for my final exam. It's getting later so I know that my short break of dinner is approaching. I run through flash cards and study definitions until they're as easy as breathing. I hear sirens wail nearby, which makes me look up. That's rather odd, I think to myself. We never get police over here, and if we do it's for emergency medical stuff or the rare fire. I look out my window, distracted by the screaming noises. I see the lights flash in the distance in our rather small neighborhood. The rays of color climb up buildings and light their directions. I go downstairs to see if Eomma has put the news on. She is standing at the window instead, watching through the thin curtains to see what's going on.

"Where's your brother?" She asks softly. I shrug, not having a clue. Dasan's been busy a lot recently, spending time with friends. I don't talk to him much at school and I don't know his friends so I can't ask him. Also, he's older than me, so I don't know his classmates either to see if they know anything. We watch the lights come closer and I can sense Eomma's apprehension. "No..." She whispers.

The lights stop outside our home and she shakes as she watches the police extract Dasan from the car. His hair is a scruffy mess and he is clearly very sweaty and tired. He looks run down and beaten a bit too. He's got very dangerous looking clothing on and his eyes look dark and like they're holding secrets. I watch his expression turn from hard to sorry as Eomma steps out to see them.

"What's the meaning of this?" She asks, looking between the two police. She begs for an explanation as to why her eldest child is bound in handcuffs and looks so ill fated.

"Ma'am," one of the police begins to speak. His tone is defeated and apologetic and I watch Eomma begin to cry. She cuts him off before he can speak again.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" She screams at my brother. She rushes to him and stares at him straight in the eyes, while tears stream down her face. I stand in the threshold of the front door and watch as my brother's cold and menacing eyes reapper, as if he's finding some joy out of watching our mother be ripped apart of the sight of him like this.

"I was caught selling drugs," he speaks plainly. I feel the words he said come and punch me and Eomma in the chest. I forget to inhale so I cough on the air I suck in rather quickly. One of the police looks over to ask if I'm alright. I nod and they return to my mother who looks as if she may pass out. To make matters worse, Appa pulls up in his car to this sight.

"What is going on?" He asks, beyond confused at the scene. Eomma crying, Dasan looking as if he could kill, me looking pale like a ghost.

"Your son was caught selling drugs. We apprehended him," the police tell him. I watch Appa's face turn from confusion to rage as he strikes my brother. He begins to shout slurs and curses at my wicked brother who looks unphased by this. How did this happen, who made him do this? Why would he do something so risky, not to mention very clearly illegal? He'll go to prison, no doubt!

Dasan...what happened to you? Is this why you've been avoiding home, not calling and not responding to my texts? Why you disappear and have an attitude whenever Eomma or Appa call or talk to you? Do you use them too, the drugs you sell? Or do you only sell them? What do you have to gain from this, you were doing so well in life, you had so much promise...

The police stop Appa from striking Dasan again and tell him to meet them at the station where they'll process the paper work and we can figure out a plan for my brother. Appa takes Eomma inside and hugs her while I sit on the stairs, processing everything on my own. She cries and wails like the sirens as they leave us, still blaring. What do our neighbors think about us now? Appa struck Dasan while he was in handcuffs and Eomma and I stood there powerless to the situation. Appa pushes us outside and into the car and we rush off to meet my brother and his fate. 

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