Chapter 10

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It's been two weeks since I became Kim Namjoon's new assistant. I must admit, as had as I've tried to hate him and the work, it's really not that bad. Actually, it's pretty easy; I go to school and write down in a tiny planner all the things I'm told from either Jimin or Yoongi and then after classes, I go to HQ and tell Namjoon and meet with him. Sometimes, I go with him to quick gatherings of him and the other two and just take notes. Usually, I'm back home thirty minutes after school, forty five at the most, and so Eomma and Appa don't notice. I do feel horrible for doing this to them, but then again, I'm really not doing anything bad. I'm just helping move files around basically.

"Hyemi," Namjoon smiles when I walk into his office today. I bow and look up at him, He's dressed really nicely today. Not his usual jacket and shirt and ripped pants. He looks put together, in nice clothes. Does he have an alter ego that he meets people with or something? Like a public face that people don't realize is a fake?

"You said you needed me to stay later today?" I ask.

He rises and nods while doing so, "Yes. I need you to meet a few more people here. Come with me," he gestures and I go with him down to a larger room that I've never been in, only walked by. It's nice too, but not as furnished as some of the other rooms. I really wonder how they get all the furniture in here, like do they buy it themselves or do they steal it? A good deal of the stuff is really nice, like high end and stylish, and somehow it goes with the aesthetic of the building. I still can't get a good gauge of if this is a dirty gang or more classy. Maybe it varies through the ranks? That would explain why Dasan looked so ratted up the night he got caught...

"Hyemi," Namjoon says, "Meet Kim Seokjin, Jung Hoseok, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook."

They're all really handsome boys too, but also have eyes and expressions of exhaustion and harboring secrets. I bow shyly and one rises. He has the face of a prince, drawn by god himself, pure perfection. "I'm Kim Seokjin, lovely," he says sweetly. He takes my hand and kisses it and I'm taken aback. Is he flirting or is this how he is? If so, he's really old fashioned, but there's nothing wrong with that.

"I'm Jung Hoseok," the next one introduces. He's very classy looking, hair styled as if done by an idol stylist. His features are sharp too and very fit looking. "Boss, you got a good one I can tell." I feel uncomfortable in an instant. He notices and chuckles, "Not that way, love, I mean he got a good assistant. I can read you well, I do intelligence stuff, it's part of my job."

Who are these people, they sound like highly trained experts, not gang members. What kind of gang is Namjoon running anyway?

"I'm Kim Taehyung," a sweet looking boy rises and bows to me. "I just run around a lot, making sure shipments are going as planned and reported."

"Jeon Jungkook," the last one bows shyly. "You and I are close in age. Your brother told me," he says quietly. He knew Dasan? Were they friends? Before I can ask, Namjoon speaks up.

"These are the guys that are under Yoongi, Jimin and I but they are just as important to Bangtan as we are. They make sure certain things get done properly and doll out consiquences as needed. They also are the ones that end up feeding information into the reports you deliver to me."

"It's nice to meet you all," I bow again.

"Jimin works the closest with Jungkook and Taehyung. Jimin's job is to oversee our production line and that everything is sold and for the right amount. That's also why he handles the Bangtan's money," Namjoon says. The two boys smile widely and proudly.

"Is it because you are younger, you're less likely to be caught?"

"Partially," Taehyung speaks up, "Also because we know our pushers well, we help find them and recruit them if they show interest or if they seem fit to be in our world." Jungkook only nods. He seems guilty. I can only assume that he's the reason I'm here...because he got Dasan into this mess and thus caused me to end up taking a job here.

"Yoongi works with Seokjin and Hoseok, but it's more minimal than Jimin and those two," Namjoon continues.

"What do you both do?"

"Well," Hoseok starts, even though it's clear Seokjin wanted to speak, "I already told you what I do, but hyung here is in charge of Bangtan's connections and missions. Making sure that assaults and things like that, even killings, are handled without traceable evidence being left and that things are done in a tasteful style."

He smiles proudly and wonder if his charming attitude is what got him that job? He seems so kind and caring but if he helps to plan things like killings...

"No worries," he smiles softly, "I don't kill myself. We leave that up to the force team."

I look up at Namjoon, "Who is in charge of the force team?"

"Yoongi," Namjoon says. "So Jackson and Yugyeom are the leaders of that group but final word comes from Yoongi. If he says no, they have to listen. Yoongi hyung planned how you were getting brought to us."

These guys really do have this stuff under lock down with jobs. I always was under the impression a gang was straight chaos, just doing whatever someone wanted and getting friends to help. I never realized there was such a hierarchy to it and specific sections. Looking at all the guys, I wonder how they all got involved. Were they once at the bottom or did they automatically get placed in these ranks?

"Is that all for today?" I ask, a bit scared of these characters.

"Yes, no worries, they're here to protect you," Namjoon assures, leaning close and holding my shoulder. "We value people like you in this world. Especially if they're here because of a loved one..."


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