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The next day

"So... have you guys made the schedule with the boys?" Jaein asked. They're currently having free time at school. The 3 girls gathered like usual.

"Bomin and I will just decide later on." Arim said. Lies, they have been chatting non stop ever since class started.

"What about you? Chaejung?" Jaein turned to her other friend.

"Ugh... Lee Jangjun." Chaejung rolled her eyes.

"What happened?" Arim questioned.

"He won the race." Chaejung replied.

"What did he make you do?" Jaein asked.

"He asked me to bring him to the electronics store where we met each other, and compete on video games again!" Chaejung complained.

"What?" Arim laughed.

"I want to go outside not my home!" Chaejung fake cried.

Not a lot of people knew that Chaejung's family owned that electronics store, and Chaejung works there as a so-called part time worker.

"You're the one who suggested the race though." Jaein shook her head.


"Arim!!!!! Help!" Chaejung was cut off by Bomin screaming and running to Arim. The boy looked like he was being chased by some ghost.

"What's wrong?" Arim asked.

"Donghyun hyung is spam calling me." Bomin was about to cry. Arim was surprised.

"The heck? Why do you even have your phone here first place?" Jaein asked.

"Not important!" Bomin shook his head and continued panicking. "Just now he's asking me to do this, do that, and it's all about Arim!" Arim laughed.

"Woah, your best friend is really protective." Chaejung was amazed.

"Here he is again!" Bomin said in a half screaming tone as his phone buzzed.

"Let me answer this time." Arim smiled and took the phone.

"Hello? Donghyun oppa? It's me. Yes... I'll be careful, trust me, trust Bomin. He's really nice, right? Also trustworthy- yes of course! Oppa you're still cuter... I'm not lying. Okay see you soon, bye!" Arim was smiling widely the whole time when talking to Donghyun.

"T-that's it?" Bomin asked as Arim gives him his phone back.

"Yeah, what do you expect?" Jaein laughed.

"I expect some drama to be honest." Bomin replied and stuck out his tongue cutely.

"Same." Chaejung joked.

"Come on Bomin, let's go and decide where we should go after school." Arim walked away with Bomin.

"What? Haven't they been talking about it for 2 classes already?" Chaejung couldn't believe her eyes.

"I keep on hearing them get off topic, their real discussion only lasted for 3 seconds." Jaein shook her head.

"Oh by the way... what about you and Sungyoon? How will the two of you meet up for practice?" Chaejung asked.

"I don't know... he said he'll pick me up." Jaein replied.

"I thought you'll go to the study room for revision..."

"That's what I was worrying about." Jaein sighed.


"Oh my god, Chaejung!!!!" Arim was about to clean the window with a cloth but noticed something when she looked outside.

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