Chapter 15: did phillip know?

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I don't know how long I locked myself in my room but  I know it had been awhile

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I don't know how long I locked myself in my room but I know it had been awhile.
I had asked Jake to leave and didn't even bother talking to my mother who was likely to be in distraught right about now.

I swiped more tears away from my face, Phillip was my brother!

The worst part about this is that Phillip didn't even know that I was his sister, and now he never will know.

I let out a few more sobs and just thought about all the time I had spent with my older brother.

Why did no one tell me? Did everyone know?

Then the thought dawned upon me, did Phillip already know?

I quickly ran out my room and down the stairs. I wasn't ready to talk to my mother yet, so I will talk to Phillips father instead.

I had ran as fast as I could to the Mckulk residence but yet again mr. Mckulk wasn't home.

Where is the man?

I was walking home when David called out to me, "Serena, what are you doing out here?" He asked curiously.

I looked over to him, "I'm looking for your father."

David gave me a worried look, "why would you want to see him?" He asked.

I had let a tear slip, "do you know who Phillip is to me?" I asked.

Davids eyes grew wider, "you know?" He asked.

I let another tear slip, "did everyone in this town know that Phillip was my brother?!" I shouted out angrily.

David let out another breathe, "in all honesty, my father would become upset every time someone mentioned your mothers name." He explained.

"But this whole situation becomes a whole lot worse." He continued.

"How much worse?" I asked with tears pooling down my eyes.

David looked to the ground, "your mother left and my father was forced to marry another, he only was engaged to her once they had their first child. However the lady was wicked and got into a whole lot of trouble which caused her to be put behind bars. My father then disowned her child and also divorced her, i mean the only reason he was with her was because of his parents. His parents then found out and told him to wed at once, so they chose a nice country gal and forced them to marry." He had let out a heavy sigh.

"Not very long after that, myself and Jake were born. My father was never the same after that, he would be angry with the world and the only person he cared about was Phillip. Phillip was the only reminder of his true love and happiness and he wished countless times to have her back. I guess the reason my father hates you so much is that you resemble your mother so much that it caused him to be in pain, but then again I wouldn't know that because he never talks to me that way he talked to Phillip." David finished whilst staring at the floor.

His actions made me run over to him and engulf him in a hug, "I'm sure he loves you, he just has a harder time showing it." I said muffled, as my head was buried in his shoulder.

"It's just really messed up." He cried.

I patted his back to try and give him some reassurance.

"Can you tell me where your father is?" I asked.

He looked at me dead in the eye, "he's at the jail cells, talking to his ex-fiancé."

I nodded my head and jogged off to the jail.

It was a short journey which I was thankful for.

I ran into the building and saw mr. Mckulk sitting on a chair opposite a blonde lady who was wearing a prison outfit.

Mr. Mckulk turned around and glared at me, "what are you doing here?" He seethed.

I was now fuming, "why is it that I was the only one who didn't know Phillip was MY brother?!" I screamed, "did Phillip know I was his sister?" I begged, tears now streaming down my face.

Mr. Mckulk looked to the ground, "yes, he knew about you being is sister. He was intending to tell you at the barbecue which we all know how that turned out." He tutted.

I let more tears spill, "and you had the audacity of pushing me in the mud and saying that I shouldn't have attended my own brothers funeral. In fact your most probably the reason my own mother didn't attend her only sons funeral." I seethed.

This made mr. Mckulk stand up, "she knew that it would be complicated and she understood-" I stopped him, "so you did tell my mother to not attend her sons funeral." I said in disbelief.

"Your a sick freak!" I said before turning around and storming off.

I ran home and quickly shut the door behind me and ran into the kitchen.

"Honey, where have you been?" My mother asked concerned.

"Getting answers." I simply replied, tears now cascading down my face.

My mother sat down with me in the dining room, "answers about what?" My mother asked quietly.

I let a few more tears slide before answering, "about is Phillip knew I was his sister before he died and I found out stuff about me. Mckulk, god that man is a sick freak!" I screeched out.

My mother stared at me with her loving eyes, "why do you say that?" She asked.

I wiped the tears that were hammering down my face, "he wouldn't let you attend your own sons funeral." I whispered.

She let out a soft chuckle, "I chose not to go, I would rather mourn my loss in the confinement of my own home than be around the guy I truly loved; being at my most vulnerable." She explained.

I nodded my head as a response, but as I did so the front door was being knocked on.

My mother stood up and stared down at me, "let me go get that." She said quietly, which I reluctantly nodded to.

My mother then disappeared around the corner and I heard her open the front door.

"Richard!" I heard my mother say loudly which instantly made me run to the front door, but what I saw shocked me.

Mr. Mckulk and my mother were kissing in the door way.

God, could this get anymore messed up.

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