The middleground -Chapter 5

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I had gotten home and went straight to my room. I could feel all of my siblings eyes buried into my soul as I walked into the house. My mother was crying, my father was pissed and crying and my siblings thought I was a drunk. As soon as I got down to my room I heard very large, heavy footsteps behind me; My dad. "I'm so f'ing disappointed in you Brandon. I can't believe that this is how you wanna live your d*mn life. You watched alcohol destroy this family for generations and now this is how you wanna live the rest of your d*mn life." I was honestly scared to make eye contact with him. Now remember my dad is 6'3" 245 pounds. My dad is a very big guy. "Now you're gonna disrespect me by not looking at me!" I had a TV tray standing up next to my bed with a glass of water and a half eaten sandwich from last night. He flipped the TV tray soaking me with water. "You're a joke man, A joke." I closed my eyes and just started crying. I knew that's not really how my dad felt about me. He knew I wasn't a joke. He knew that's not really how I wanted to live my life, but he was so mad. "You can forget about Rosie, because you will not be seeing her for a long time." He yelled down the stairs.

At this point I was already grounded from my phone and of course ever seeing Rosie again for the rest of my life. So there was no way for me to contact her and even break up with her. From what I heard that night though, she had already done the breaking up all by herself.

I went to get in the shower and my dad called me into his room. A lot more calm now. "So I'm hoping what I'm about to tell you is a complete lie." He said laying down on his bed with my mom right next to him. "Rosie's parents just called me and told me that she said, you were the one who peer pressured her into drinking and she had no clue drinks were even gonna be there." He said looking at me like he already knew it was a lie. "Of course it's a lie. Rosie's trying to cover up her tracks as best she can. That's what I figured she was gonna do." I say starting to walk away. "Do you really even wanna be with someone like that? You don't deserve that B." He said standing up to give me a hug. "Believe me, I know." I say hugging him and walking out of the room.

During this time in my life my parents trusted me but still questioned me on a lot of things. For example, they questioned my virginity and whether I had ever smoked pot or not. Just to be clear, still a Virgin at 18 years old and never have and never will smoke pot in my life. I hated being accused of those things because why would I do either of those things. I never thought Rosie deserved my love let alone me making love to her. My gosh why would I ever smoke pot I'm not trying to screw up my lungs forever and or kill myself. I just hated being accused of something I didn't do, but I guess when you screw up you get accused of a lot of things.
Three Months Later
I was down stairs in my room playing Xbox with my IPad right next to me. I hadn't gotten my phone back yet, but I did have my iPad that I got to use whenever I was home. I hear it make a Ding! With joy, I look down at it. "Kaylee Smith would like to message you on Instagram, Do you accept?" Me accepting this Instagram message may have been the smartest thing I've ever done in my whole life. I accept the message and I read her long paragraph talking about how she wanted me to come visit her church. I knew Kaylee Grace long ago. Like 6 years ago was when we met for the first and only time. She had visited my church one time and we had been going over the lesson of marriage. Who else would they pick to get married besides Kaylee and I? Somewhere down the grapevine we had followed each other on Instagram and I had always found myself scrolling down my feed and seeing her pictures. She was beautiful. She had always been beautiful. So messaging her back was going to be a must. I put a simple "Of course, I will try and see if I can make it." I noticed that she had also put her Snapchat in the paragraph she had texted me, So I added her. Next thing I knew I was posing in the mirror trying to take a selfie with my iPad for this girl. It's a wonder she never ran away from my craziness. We started snap chatting back and forth all day long. I loved seeing her beautiful smile and her amazingly deep eyes. My gosh I was falling for this girl and it hadn't even been a day yet. It was going on ten o'clock at night and I was still snap chatting her. It was weird because we literally talked once or twice our whole lives and now it's like six years later and we were best friends. I had just gotten out of a lot of trouble and I knew that I couldn't say anything to anyone about her yet, cause if I did I would give both of my parents a heart attack.

My Lord did this girl made me smile so much. Honestly, more than I ever had in my life. We laughed and shared memories and talked about literally everything. God was setting me up for something and I wasn't quite sure about it yet. All I knew was that Kaylee Grace Smith, was VERY special.

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