Just The Beginning-Chapter 6

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I was sitting downstairs in front of my lap top, staring at a blue and white Facebook screen, waiting for her to respond back, which didn't take long at all. I love talking to her. I loved imagining myself being there with her. Making her laugh in real life. Seeing that beautiful smile. Grabbing those small hands. I loved imagining those things because once all that came true, that meant what Kaylee and I had was so real. Then an idea popped in my head, what if we Skyped? I asked her over the Facebook messenger, and she replied with a very hearty "yessss." I turned on my Skype app on the laptop and opened it and called her after getting g her username. I get her on the phone but there was a problem, I could hear her, but I couldn't see her. I just wanted to see her beautiful face and I couldn't. I tried and tried to get my camera to work but for some reason I couldn't. I just laid there listening to her voice. It was softer and more beautiful than anything I had even imagined. I loved her voice and I had never had anything bring so much Joy into my heart all at once. She made me happy, like truly happy. We talked and talked about everything under the sun until about One A.M then she said she had to go to bed. I just loved talking to her and I could tell she loved it too. It was something special for the both of us. It was like we both had been more open with each other, than we had been with anyone else. I could tell her all the stupid and bad things that I had done, and she didn't judge me. She could tell me about herself and everything she had gone through and I offered her bible verse's and prayer and again, no judgment. It felt like an instant connection and I cannot believe that God had blessed me with an amazing friend like Kaylee Grace. A friend, because that's all we were at the time.

Kaylee had known about Rosie. She had known that Rosie and I had went out drinking and I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I know what you thinking, "Gosh, he's such a man-hoe. First he's dating one girl and then Two months later he's talking to someone else." You can think what you want, but I'm not gonna pass up on a God given blessing, just so I don't look like a man-hoe. Kaylee Grace, changed my life and bettered me in more ways than one, well she changed my life and bettered me in hundreds of thousands of ways. Like the way she told me everything was going to be okay. Or the way she laughed at all my corny jokes. The way she laughed in general was life changing. The way she trusted me with her secrets and the way I could trust her with mine. The way she told me she cared about me. The way she just loved on me without even saying it.

Oh yeah, this is all before we even seen each other. It had been six years since I had seen Kaylee Grace. I knew who she was cause of family friends and things like that, but I hadn't seen this woman in six years and all I wanted was to see that beautiful face I had seen all over Instagram, and Facebook and Snapchat. I just wanted to see her in person and hold her hand and make her laugh and kiss her cheek. I just wanted to love on her in real life. This girl was special and I knew it. I just didn't have anyone that I could tell. I was still grounded and wasn't even supposed to be on social media at all. I had a daily routine. I would wake up and text her good morning off of my laptop before she went to school. Then I would go about my day and just do school at home, because I was homeschooled. I would play basketball and watch TV and workout. Once seven o'clock came though, I was downstairs in my room talking to Kaylee about her day and just talking to her over skype until one of us fell asleep. I loved just talking to her and hearing what she had to say even if it was about the most random, crazy stuff, I just loved hearing her soft, gentle voice.

Then one night I asked her when I was going to be able to see her in person. "You know, we've gotta get an actual date going here soon. I can only do skype for so long." I said laughing. "Okay, that'd be great. We just have to figure out what we're going to do." She said laughing back. I think we were both in awe of the fact that we were both gonna see each other soon. "I'll
Come up with some ideas and you come up with some ideas, and we'll choose between them which is the best one." I honestly didn't care where we went or what we did, all I wanted to do was see this girl in person. Hold her hand for real, and hear her laugh up closer, hug her for the first time. Gosh all I wanted to do was just hug her, I had no clue how or when, all I knew is it was gonna be the best hug in the history of hugs. I fell asleep that night just imagining what that first date was gonna be like. I started thinking of some ideas. Obviously I didn't wanna take her to a movie on the first date, I wanna talk to her. So I took her to the most public place you could probably think of. A place where drunk people and sugar high kids run around and chase after tickets and tokens and any kind of video game known to man. I took her to Dave and Busters.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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