Family Life

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-1 Month Later-

      -Beverlys POV-
      It was the fist day of school, great. I had set my alarm clock to 6 so I would be able to walk to school on time. Dad is always up early cause he has insomnia and doesn't sleep much. The alarm went off in my ear.
      "Oh joy." I hoped out of bed and went to my dresser to pick out a dress. I chose a grey and blue one with flowers scattered over it, for shoes a pair of black boots I had gotten at the thrift store. My short hair didn't need anything so I went to the kitchen to see if we had any cereal left. Dad was sitting at the table reading a book.
       "Mornin dad, do we have any breakfast food?" She got up on her tippy toes and looked through the cabinets.
      "Try and bottom one I think you still have corn flakes." These conversations had been the more normal thing to come out of her life.
She had 30 minutes until schools started, it takes 20 to walk to town so she decided to leave.
"Bye dad have a good day!" She went and gave him a kiss on the cheek and a hug. "I'll be home at 3:30." He smiled a her.
"Have a good day, remember to stop by the store before you leave town." They said there goodbyes and she started her walk to school. She had never told her dad about the bullying that she went through everyday. He had told her about how every 27 years he would blackout and... we'll kill kids. She freaked out of course but took a few days to think about what he, her father was going through. If she had told him about the bullying he might have unknowingly killed them and she never would wish that upon someone.
       She finally made it to homeroom, she looked around and saw a familiar face. Eddie was sitting in the back corner taking a puff out of his inhaler. She walked over and sat next to him.
       "How ya been Eddie?" She smiled.
      "Well I spend a week in the emergency room because of my allergies and got hit in the face with a rock. Other than that summer was great! Where have you been? Oh and I'm sorry about your dad." The twin knew about the death of her 'dad'. She had told police that it was a robbery gone wrong and that she had been hiding in the bathroom. She then told the police that her 'aunt' was going to move closer to own and she would live with her. Well it wasn't a complete lie she DID live closer to the town but not in it.
     "Oh that, yeah it was hard for a while. But living with my aunt is nice for a change." They continued to talk until class started.
   -No Ones POV-
      The day was long and boring as expected. She had most of her classes with bill and Eddie and lunch with the 5 boys. It was her last period class and it was about to end. She raised her and asked to use the bathroom. She needed a quick smoke. The last stall was empty so that's where she sat for the rest of the day.
     BAM!  "Come on out Beaverly, we can smell you from here." It was Greta. "I heard that you kissed my man over the summer. He said they you didn't but I don't believe him." She slammed the door on the stall next to her. "So if I were you I would take this message to heart." Her stall opened up revealing a furious Greta and two just as angry minions. Greta grabbed Beverly by the hair and slammed her against the wall. "DONT." 1 slap. "YOU EVER." A kick to the face. "TOUCH MY MAN." A punch to the cheek. "AGAIN." She finished it off with slamming her head on the wall. "You dirty slut." No emotions were on her face except pure hatred. With that she quickly walked out of the bathroom leaving Beverly on her own.
       When she had finally gotten up she saw her reflection in the mirror. Bruises already forming on her face, her nose was bleeding a little and there was a small cut on her forehead. She didn't know how to deal with all the feelings flooding her system so she ran. She ran until she got to the sewers. She had forgotten all about going to the store, blood and tears rains in her face and she was sobbing by the time she made it to the door of her home. She slammed it open and shit and threw her bag to the ground. Hearing all the sound Weiss quickly stood up from the sofa and found his daughter crying on the ground. He could already see from there her face was bloody and bruised. Quickly he sat on the ground and held his sweet girl, she clung onto him. They say like that for a couple minutes before she had calmed down enough to ask her what had happened.
      "What happen? Who did this to you?" He had gone to the bathroom and gathered the fist aid kit and started patching her up.
      "It was a girl from school. A rumor was going around t-that over the summer I-I kissed her boyfriend." She took a breath in. "It wasn't true but she has been looking for an excuse to beat me up." She continued to hold him as he cleaned her face up. He dabbed the cut on her forehead.
      "Here's some advice, next time she makes fun of you or embarrasses you try and make it blow back up in her face. Turn the joke in her and make her look like an idiot." He gave her a small smile and kissed her head. "Your a tough girl Bev."
      "Could I go into town and get some snacks and when I come back watch a movie with you?" It was one of her favorite activities.
      "Sure, just be sure to be home by nightfall. I'll set up the projector and you can pick out the film." She grinned and hugged him around the neck.
      "Thank you dad. I love you."
      "I love you too Bev."

- There's chapter 3! Hope you liked it, feedback is always appreciated!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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