Chapter 16

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Ryder Pov

It's been about a year now since I've been kidnapped. I been gave up hope on ever getting out. There's no way Chase will ever find me. Vincent gave me privilege to walk around freely two months ago and I made a run for it. Once I got outside I realize why he never found me. I'm not at home  anymore. I'm way out of the territory. Chase is far away. I miss him, the family, our kids. I'll do anything and i mean anything to see them again. I cry myself to sleep every night wishing that I'll wake up and it was all just a nightmare. But every morning reality hits me.

I sat at the dinner table with my head down casted while Vincent and his family talk. They always argued about Vincent not having a mate. He tells them time and time again he doesn't want one. But the look in his eyes; I know he needs one. He wants some one to call his. To love and cherish. And if he doesn't, then he is lying. Every wolf wants a mate. Needs a mate.

'Just like us.. We need Chase' My wolf thought.

And we do. I don't think I'll live much longer without him. I can feel myself dying out inside.

"Ryder are you okay..?" Vincent asked me.

"Yeah... Just thinking." I sighed.

"Well hurry up and eat, I have some things I wanna do to you later."

I nodded my head feeling num. I love you Chase, I hope you know that. Even if we may never meet again. I'll always love you.

Chase Pov

We searched high and low for Ryder. But he is no where to be found. Ten months away from him had been the hardest months of my life. My wolf cries out in pain all the time, wanting his mate. I do to.

The boys are growing up so fast. They cried the first few months Ryder went missing, but now they don't. It's like Ryder isn't in their memory any more. It kills me to think that it might be true.

I sit locked up in my office at home thinking about Ryder. Hoping he will walk thru that door and jump in my arms so I can shower him in love.

'knock knock'

"Who is it?" I mumbled.

"Verona... Can I.. uh.. can I come in?"

"Yeah.." I said lazily.

She open then door and walked in hesitantly. She closed the door behind her and sat in the chair across from me.

"Do you miss him...?" she asked nervously.

Verona has been a big help since Ryder went missing. Helping out around the house, taking care of the kids, etc. She tried getting with me a couple of times but eventually she stop once Chance yelled at her for being a 'inconsiderate bitch' is how he put it.

"Yes.. so much.." I choked up.

"Do you like.. really love him?" I looked up at her strange.

"More than anything. I'll give anything to have him back. He means so much to me Verona... I just... I just want him back. He is the l-l-love of my l-life. My heart, my soul."

She looked at me sympathetically and just looked at me with this far away look.

"You know... I use to love you. Cherish the ground you walked on." she sighed  "Rejected my own mate for you." she chuckled sadly.

"I'm sorry...?"

"No.. I'm sorry Chase. I'm sorry for trying to get in between you and your mate. I'm sorry that Ryder is gone. I'm so so sorry." she cried.

I patted her back while she cried harder. I felt pity for her and sad for myself.

"I can help you find him." she said sniffling.

"Find who..?" I asked curiously.

"Ryder." I perked up at Ryder being found possible.

"Really...? You know where he is?" I asked hopefully.

"Yeah, just give me another month. And I'll help you get your mate back."

Tears started falling out my eyes. Ryder its coming back to me. My mate is coming home. I got up and hugged Verona tight; thanking her over and over again. But I couldn't help but think she knew all along. I shook my head and push that thought too the side. All that matter was that Ryder will be home soon.

Verona Pov

After leaving the pack house, I headed to my family house off the territory. As I got closer to the house I couldn't help but think about Ryder. I feel so guilty for having him kidnapped then raped by my brother. He must miss Chase dearly. I know I would if I was in his position.

I pulled up to the house after an 3 hour drive. God they live far. I closed the car door and headed inside the house. Once inside I head to Vincent room. I quietly knocked on his door.

"Yeah..." He grunted out.

"Vincent.. can we talk?"

"Just a minute."

I heard some shuffling around before the door open up.

"What's up..?" he huffed out. He was all sweaty and breathing heavy.

"Are you okay...?" I tried peeking around him but he just followed my movement.

"Yeah.. I'm fine. Now what do you want?"

"Oh.. uh.. I think we should return Ryder. Chase misses him. And I'm pretty sure Ryder misses him."

"No." He growled.

"And why not?" I snapped.

"I like fucking him. He doesn't fight it anymore." He shrugged.

"Vincent. Find your mate and fuck them. Ryder needs to go home. He has kids that he needs to see and a mate that needs him." I pleaded.

"It was your plan to kidnapped him anyway. Why the change of heart?"

"I feel guilty. I shouldn't have tried separating them. Their mates. They belong together."

"Okay Verona, anything you want. When do you want to give him back." He sighed.

"With in a month is fine. I told Chase I'll find him within that time."

He nodded his head and headed back into his room. Chase will have his mate back. Even if I have to sacrifice my love for him.

Here you go. Hope you enjoyed it. Isn't Verona being nice? Giving Ryder back to Chase and all.



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