Chapter 1-Mistakes

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Hey guys, this is a new story that I just had the idea for. For now, the fanfic will not be very long, depending on how long I decide to make each chapter. This chapter will not be long at all, it is only to start off the fanfic and give the basis for the rest of the fanfic. Apart from that, there is nothing else to say.


Two teens could be seen on opposite sides of a river, each one of them charging up their final attack. On the left was a boy with black hair and red eyes. This boy was Sasuke Uchiha, the last loyal Uchiha to konoha. Surrounding his hand was a ball created by pure white lightning. On the right was a boy with spiky blond hair and bright blue eyes. This was Naruto Uzumaki, jinchuuriki for the kyuubi. In his hand was forming a bright blue spiralling ball of energy. The two boys launched themselves at each other, getting ready to hit the other with their own final attack. As the attacks collided, a pitch black sphere started getting larger and larger and engulfed the two boys, knocking them out. At least, that was what was supposed to happen. In reality, as the to ran towards each other, Naruto's attack faltered, before dispersing entirely, leaving Naruto to be impaled with Sasuke's chidori. The blond boy spewed up blood, before smiling and collapsing onto the floor. Sasuke stood still, eyes wide, the shock form what had just happened hitting him like a brick. Before long he had knelt down to the fallen boy's side, trying to make sure he wouldn't die. A hand reached up and gripped Sasuke's wrists, pushing them away from its owners body. Sasuke looked down at Naruto in tears, only to see said person smiling up at him.

"Stop it, Sasuke" came the weak and feeble voice from Naruto's mouth. "You don't need to try and save me, for I have lost too much blood to be healed in time. Don't worry, I have no regrets. I made a promise to sakura to bring you back, but i guess you'll have to go back without me." Naruto stops to cough out some more blood as a result from trying to laugh. "You see, its funny. I always wanted to do things that I knew i would never achieve, and only now that I'm in the last few minutes of my life do I realise that it wasn't that I wanted to do them , it was so that I would be noticed by the village. Even my dream of being hokage was so I could be respected by all the villagers. I guess i'll never see that day though. If I had been asked when we were in the academy of how and when we wanted to die I would never have said like this button I guess when your time is limited, you start to see the beauty of everything, even the small things like being able to see the sun rise in the morning, and set in the evening." The dying boy stopped for a moment then looked at Sasuke. "Sasuke, don't go down the path you are heading down at the moment. It will leave only pain behind it. Beside, do you really want to waste your own life just to kill Itachi. You can do that without having to go to the pedo snake. Please Sasuke, as my final wishes, go back to the village and start to live properly. Let more people into your life instead of pushing them away. Maybe give Sakura a chance and if it doesn't then, whats the harm in trying. I always thought of you as my brother and my rival sasuke, even before we left the academy. I never had any family, so having you there was something I had only dreamed of. I guess I won't ever grow old enough to have a family my own so I want you to be happy with your own life. Oh and give this necklace back to tsunade baa-chan. It was hers originally and if I'm not there to look after it then it should at least return to its original owner. I know Im probably asking you a lot so i'll leave it with one last request. Can you let my body travel to the ocean by the river. When I fully pass on I want to be one with nature, that way I can always watch over those I care about. I know that people will want to find my body for a funeral but as a last request from me, Sasuke, please. Thank you for everything, it was fun but I guess its just my time to leave. Goodbye Sasuke." And with that said, Naruto closed his eyes and fell into and eternal slumber.

Sasuke held Naruto's body for a good few minutes, crying over the fact that his best friend was killed by himself and he had only realised how he felt towards him as it was too late. Naruto's body was picked up and carried to the middle of the river and then let go, to be left to drift his way towards the ocean and become one with Nature. Sasuke stood at the side of the river watching his body float away until it was out of sight and only then did he collapse onto his knees and mourned the loss of his best friend. Without him knowing, Sasuke's eyes started to morph from 3 tomoes to a flower like shape. With the amount of chakra these new eyes took up, Sasuke passed out, leaving Naruto's body to keep drifting.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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