Kemilio Fanfiction Part 1

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Hey guys! I'm just a hardcore Kemilio shipper😁 Anyways I decided to make a Kemilio Fanfiction enjoy!

~Kyla's POV~

Chance came in my room and asked me if we could make a Kance video but I said no

Kyla: Chance can we talk?

Chance: Sure babe!

Kyla rolled her eyes 👀 

They both went outside to talk 

Kyla: Chance... ever since we got fake married all this Kance stuff started getting out of hand

Chance: So? Jake and Erika take it serious?

Kyla: yea that's them... I kinda like someone else so I want a divorce...

Chance: who is this person you like? 

Kyla: well... it's umm Emilio..

Chance: what?!? My roommate?

Kyla: yes... 

Kyla went back inside and saw Emilio

Hey guys it's me Kyla and I'm going to continue writing Kemilio Fanfiction also what do you think will happen next -Kyla xx 😘 love you guys 

Word count: 151

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