Kemilio fanfiction Chapter 18

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Kyla: well I'm gonna go check on the Twins (the babies)

Emilio&Addey: OK

Addey: uh Emilio?

Emilio: yea?

Addey: can I talk to you?

Emilio: Sure:)!

Addey: OK I know you and Kyla have kids but I really like you Emilio ever since I came here I liked you 

Emilio: oh.....

Addey: sorry just wanted to get that off my chest.

Emilio: it's ok...

Addey: wait Emilio!

Emilio: yes?

Addey: umm h-h-have you ever had feelings for me before you dated Kyla:(?

Emilio: umm no...

Addey: oh...

Addey goes crying upstairs and goes to her room and locks the door 

Emilio: wait Adde-

Kyla: OK I'm back emi! And what happened to Addey?

Emilio: oh umm nothing:)!

Emilio's POV 

I didn't want to tell Addey  I kind of liked her when I didn't date Kyla Kyla might of got mad:(

Jason knocks on Addey's door 

Jason: Addey?

Addey: GO AWAY!

Jason: Add it's Jason...

Addey: * whispers* haha I got a great idea:)! Kyla might get mad though :(

Jason: uh hello?

Addey: oh yea right come in!

Jason: are you alright?

Addey: umm yea... OK anyways do you still like Kyla:)!

Jason: umm no I'm over her I can't get her to like me also why you asking?

Addey: oh um no reason...

Jason leans in to kiss Addey

Jake comes in 


(By the way Addey and Jake were dating)

Jason: uh

Jake punches Jason in the face and they start fighting

Addey: JAKE STOP!!!!!


Addey: Jake... I think its best for us not to be dating...

Jake: wait what?

Addey: sorry...

Jake:fine! Stay with Jason you slut!

Jake leaves and Addey starts to cry

Jason hugs Addey 

Jason: it's OK Addey...

Hey guys I'm going to continue writing Kemilio fanfiction. Hey guys it's me Kyla and I'm going to continue writing my fanfic so comment down below if you want to be in the story- Kyla xx 😘 love you guys 

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