Introduction ✩ dear, sweet dairy

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Vienna's dairy  

September 5th, 2017,

Dear dairy...

Y'know, moving to a new school wasn't my choice but beginning a cocky shithead in the last was, I have gained a reputation that could never be changed so as school ended I thought to myself

'Do I really wanna be known as an asshole my whole life?' And my answer was no, I did not. I hung out with the wrong crowd and did wrong shit so I owned up to it and resolved the problem by not talking to those people anymore, well...most of them. Some of the people I hung out with weren't that bad and were in the same position I was so they moved as well, unfortunately not to the school I was so that was shitty but I wasn't completely alone in this school, I met a girl named Anya through one of my friends Max -she will be introduced more in the book- and me and her hit it off becoming more internet friends who lived close to each other since we had ever interact physically.

Moving to a new school was a fresh start, I was gonna change my attitude and stop any drama that would come my way. One more year and it's off to university so what could go wrong?

Well old me, everything could go wrong, and quite frankly, it did and hears why...

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