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Hand in hand,

Facing the world together.

Two in a million.

That's Tyler and Josh.

There was nothing they didn't know about each other, or so it was believed.

But that's not the current issue, maybe in a couple chapters it will be relevant.

Who knows.

The current issue is that Josh woke up late and is now sprinting to school with the cold, Columbus air stinging his fragile lungs.

The boy's cheeks and nose, as well as his ears, were tinted pink as the cold bit at his pale skin.

Josh finally arrived at school, eyes watering as the warm air welcomed him, as well as the principle.

"Late, Joshua?"

Her creaky voice boomed as the timid boy looked to the ground and slouched to make him appear smaller in hopes of getting some mercy.

"I-I'm sorry M-Ms. Handwicky."

Josh stammered as he swallowed the lump forming in his sore throat.

"Josh! There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!"

Tyler's voice rang through the hallways, Josh weakly smiling to himself at the comforting sound of his one and only.

Tyler jogged over to Josh, slinging his arm over the boy's shoulder with a lazy smile as he looked up to Ms. Handwicky.

"Sorry Miss, I assure you Josh won't be late again, but he's missing a very important lesson so we must be off!"

And with that Josh was being dragged along with Tyler to their writing class.

They got themselves situated at the shared desk in the back of the room, Tyler of course curious as to why Josh was so late to school because he was normally on top of everything.

"So, did you sleep in? Lose track of time? Go to hell without me?"

Tyler chuckled as he shoved the boy's shoulder lightly before taking his cold hand and running his thumb over the boy's red knuckles.

Josh smiled at their hands and then looked up to Tyler with the smile remaining across his chapped lips.

"Slept pass my alarm."

Josh replied sheepishly, Tyler smiling affectionately at his sweet boy who was so darling and precious.

"Want me to come over in the mornings again?"

Tyler asked as he pressed his soft lips to Josh's cool knuckles, the smaller blushing deeply as he watched the other with gleaming eyes.

"I-if it's not an issu-"

"Of course it's not an issue!"

Tyler exclaimed before Josh could finish his sentence, gaining the attention of everyone in the classroom as well as the teachers glaring and hooded eyes.

"Do I need to separate you two, Joseph?"

She barks, causing Josh to sink back into his seat as Tyler smiled innocently.

"No ma'am, we'll be quiet, I apologize."

Tyler kissed up before focusing his attention back on Josh who was doodling on the side of his prompted writing.

"How can you even think of something with this prompt? 'Colors for feeling'? I don't feel colors, I feel, well, feelings."

Tyler snorted as he plopped his face on the desk.

Josh leaned over and snuggled to Tyler with a soft hum, Tyler hiding his smile in his arms his head was resting in.

"Pink is like happiness, rose is compassion, s-stuff like that."

Josh yawned out, Tyler adjusting to wrap his arms around the other with a content hum.

"Y'know, we have become that couple at the school that everyone always cringes at because we're so cute."

Tyler chuckled as Josh tiredly nodded in agreement.

"Mmm'love you."

Josh hummed as he sat up with a smile.

Tyler pecked his boyfriends nose with a giggle.

"I love you too, darling."

. . .

(( kind of a slow start but I have plans for this book. ))

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