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The park wasn't empty today, but not uncomfortable either. Refreshing wind tossed my hair in every direction, each gust sending a scent of freshly cut grass. It was quite hot in the sun, but luckily I found a thick tree to protect me from the harsh rays and heat. With a book in hand, I let myself dive into the romance story and forgetting my whereabouts.

Many people jogged by on the concrete path, others biked, and some kicking a ball or talking to friends. Although all this, I paid no mind. Not a single time did I shift my eyes from my book, my senses blocked. Because of this, I read and read into the evening. The only think that pulled me from the crisp, white pages was the uncomfortable grumble in my stomach.

The sun had already set as I folded the top inch of my page, still taking calm, deep breaths. I loved that I didn't have to worry over how late it had gotten, and how I had stayed out accidentally. The pink-purple sky shined above and created an even more comfortable setting. I carefully collected my things from the oak's base, a thin, knitted grey sweater and my book.

With that, I took one last look around and left the scene. It was a decently long walk home, yet I still didn't mind. I had never once had any issues once the sun had set for the night, so I firmly believed I was safe to walk with ease.

Oh, how I was wrong.

I was still 20 minutes from home, calmly walking down the sidewalk, passing businesses that had already closed and locked up for the night. My breath my still steady even as it was much darker now. Street lamps flickered on, and I hadn't had the thought that anything would happen till it did.

As I passed a dark alleyway, a strong hand wrapped around my thin arm, yanking me with a shriek into the dark. I immediately skidded my feet to prolong the impact, and my arms raised to protect any potential hits to come. The man wrapped his much stronger arms around my body, yet I kept fighting back with screams, to no avail. Soon, I got to tired to fight back, and tears burned my eyes.

His arms moved quickly to hold my wrists behind my back, before pushing me to the wall, my chest flush against the cold cement. My jaw hit it as well, the impact causing the weak tears to fall down my cheeks.

"Wow, you are just as pretty as they said. Didn't he teach you not to be out at this time?" The voice almost hissed in my ear, a nasally voice that sounded purely evil. I knew that what he spoke of was Taehyung, there was nobody else I could put in that position.

My weak body could have collapsed at anytime, let alone answer back with the sarcastic retort I longed for. Instead, all that escaped my throat was a whine, followed by air in my throat being pushed out in a high pitched moan. Pain pulsed at my wrists, his hand that held both of them only tightening.

A much larger hand than my own traced down my back, running over my bones. Low sounds escaped his body as more tears fell faster and my cries only grew.

"P-Ple-ease! S-Sto-op!" My voice was louder than I thought it would be, still echoing around the alley. A dirty hand was slapped against my lips, the smell of it sour.

"Taehyung isn't going to save you." He lowly laughed in my ear, sending chills through my body. Pure fear ran though my veins, fear of what he would do to me, fear of what Taehyung would do in response, fear of the unknown.

Soon enough, the hand that gripped my mouth released, now trailing down my throat and letting his disgusting hands roam my pure skin. It was sickening, the hot tears that trailed down my rosy cheek slipping down my jaw and onto my neck. Shivers from the fright and cold left me shaking in his hold.

  As his hand touched my chest, and rubbed his palm against the buds on my chest, I cry out almost instinctively, "Taehyung! Hel-"

His hand soon slapped me, my cheek burning and red in pain, my arms yanking to hold and comfort it, yet they were locked in his strong hold. As my breath began to become more panicked, my tears slowly stopped falling as frequently.

"What's wrong, babe? Not used to this? Are you a virgin? Ahh, I can't say I'm surprised. Just looking at you I can tell, but your Taehyung's little toy. And Taehyung wrecks everything he touches. I guess I can do his light wor-" The man's sickening voice came to an end quickly, a grunt following before my hands were free, the cold air on my wrists shocking me that I was out of his hold. My eyes were wide, probably the size of saucers, when I turned quickly, my back finding the cold wall. My eyes searched the darkness for my attacker, frozen in fear after all that had happened.

I could easily see the bodies on the floor, a bigger man below another, recieving blow after blow. Grunts and gasps invaded my shocked senses, my vision fogged over. I hardly recognized Taehyung's body over the man who harassed me.

"Don't you fucking dare touch him again. I'll kill you and everybody you love with my bare hands if you so much as look at him." Taehyung's voice growled out. My body shook as I heard his words, knowing that if I was in the other man's position, I'd be scared for my life.

In a split second, Taehyung was hovering over my crouched figure, his hands in my hair and his eyes warm as they looked down at me. I found an odd comfort in his actions, my breathing slowing slightly. My eyes never once flickered over to the man whom lay on the cold ground, locked with Taehyung's coffee brown ones.

My heart skipped at the feeling of Taehyung coming for me. I didn't have an internal battle with myself when I admitted this to myself, for the first time. I knew I felt warm and fuzzy because of him. Sure, it didn't make sense, I had just seen him nearly kill a man, yet I still felt a deep feeling.

"Don't be scared, baby. I'm here, I'm sorry you had to go through that but I'll never let it happen again." He spoke, his knees bending to squat before me, his hands holding my jaw in place as he spoke softly to me. I only nodded, still shocked yet slowly becoming comfortable again.

As Taehyung stared back into my widened, afraid eyes, I couldn't help but want to feel the way his lips felt against mine. I quickly pushed that thought out, telling myself the crazy thoughts were just because I had a traumatic situation moments ago.

"Let's get you home. I'm sure your mom is worried.." Taehyung spoke, his warm hands trailing down my arms, skimming over the sore skin of my wrists, to my hands. He stood and pulled me to a stand as well, carefully walking me out of the dark alleyway, his car just 2 blocks away.

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