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The wind was stronger than ever. Leaves tumbled and flew through the breeze easily as Taehyung and I walked hand in hand to my front door. My mom's car was parked in the driveway, and a child-like excitement filled my veins. It had been a while since I spent quality time with her, so I looked forward to that today.

Taehyung walked me to the same spot where he stole my first kiss, but this time, he pecked my forehead with a loving smile, a warm hand on the small of my back.

"Remember to be careful while I'm working, baby. I'll see you soon, okay?" Taehyung spoke, a somewhat sad smile formed on his pink lips that contrasted to his tan skin.

I only nodded, hoping he would kiss me before he left. I wasn't sure if he'd stick to bringing me to school tomorrow morning like he said previously, but something told me that the other morning showed him it was honestly too early. I couldn't blame him though; You couldn't pay me to wake up early just to drive someone in the cold.

As Taehyung and I stared at each other's eyes, ready for our kiss goodbye, the red door before us swung open to reveal my mom, a plate of fresh chocolate chip cookies held in her small palms, the chocolate chunks still runny and steaming. My body almost jumped a few feet away, if it wasn't for Taehyung's arms wrapped tightly around my waist. All the warm blood in my body ran to my face, embarrassment clear.

"Well! I've finally caught you two. I'm Jungkook's mother! It's nice to meet you." My mom's cheerful voice greeted the man whom stood before me with one of the biggest smiles I've ever seen on him. I couldn't bring myself to tear my eyes from the boxy grin, till he responded, breaking me from the trance.

"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Jeon. I'm Kim Taehyung." His voice was deep as ever, his hand flying up mid-sentence to push his locks from his eyes. My mom's eyes sparkled in response to his attitude and words, and I swore if she was younger, or if he was older, my own mom would be flirting up a storm.

Taehyung carefully grabbed a cookie when offered one before leaning down to kiss the corner of my mouth before pecking my cheek, saying, "Gotta go, Jungkookie. See you both soon." With that he hugged me tight before turning away to the sports car that he loved dearly.

I slowly turned to my mom as we listened to Taehyung's car roar and rumble to life, before accelerating and hurrying down the street. Her eyebrows were high, an expectant expression painted on her porcelain skin.

"So, Jungkook, want to tell me who that was that you were all cozy with just the other day, and now he kissed your cheeks today?" I could have audibly released a sigh once realizing my own mom hadn't seen my first kiss just the other day. But that didn't mean I wasn't uncomfortable explaining who Taehyung was to my mom, without even knowing what he is to me yet myself. So, as the responsible young man I am, I ushered my mom inside the house to the living room, where I sat her comfortably on the couch, and bullshitted my way through this cringy conversation.

"He's my boyfriend, mom. As of just the other day, of course. I wouldn't let him kiss my cheeks and hug me like that if he wasn't." I speak confidently to her, my lie hard to detect.

"Well why didn't you just tell me before? That would have made more sense." She paused, laughing whole-heartedly and setting the plate of cooling cookies down on the coffee table before standing and walking towards the kitchen, "Want to bake with your old mama today?"


"Jungkook! Baby, your boyfriend is here!" My mom's voice shouted, waking me from my deep sleep on the early Monday morning. I could tell my mom was stood in the foyer, her voice echoed up the stairs to my room. It didn't hit me directly.


When I realized she spoke of Taehyung, my eyes flickered to the alarm clock near my bed, and saw that I slept through my alarm. Without a moment to spare, I pushed my blankets back and immediately ridded my body of PJs, finding simple black skinny jeans and a grabbing a white shirt that seemed a little too big once I put it on. With a flip of my hair, and brush with my fingers, I grabbed socks and pushed my feet into a simple pair of vans before rushing down the stairs, the whole time, my only thoughts being what could my mom possibly be saying to my "boyfriend?"

Down in the kitchen I found my mom happily serving Taehyung, whom was dressed in jeans and a hoodie, and looked much more organized and awake than last week. When our eyes connected, he only smirked, before sitting at the kitchen bar and eating. My mom served me quickly as well, so I took a seat beside Taehyung and ate well.

It only took a couple of minutes before my mom left the room, leaving Taehyung and I to eat alone. All that was audible in the spacious kitchen was knifes and forks scrapping and tapping the glass plates as we ate, till Taehyung spoke up and said the one thing I was avoiding.

"Boyfriend, huh?"

The simple question, that really only held one word, had me blushing from head to toe. I wanted the Earth to swallow me whole at that very moment, anything to stop this embarrassment.

"I-I am sorry.. about t-tha-" I started, my eyes never leaving the full plate, yet I could feel his observing my every move.

He cut me off, "Well, I'm not one for titles, but I thought it was cute." My eyes immediately snapped to his, a smirk resting playfully on his face, something about it so recognizable, bringing me back to the time he and I first met.

Was he saying he wasn't used to titles, but thought the title of us being boyfriends was cute? Did he see me as that kind of relation?

A million questions ran around my mind, my crazed thoughts only having me blushing. Luckily, Taehyung returned to his breakfast, as did I. Soon enough, we were kissing my mom goodbye at the door step as I hurried for school.

"Today is my last day off work before the office duties call. I enjoyed the last two days with you, but please give me this last evening as well. Be home for dinner, bring Taehyung, too." My mom whispered into my ear as we embraced at the door, something she never normally did before she sent me off to school for the day. I could tell this evening was very important to her.

I simply nod at her words, bidding goodbye before hurrying to catch up to Taehyung who stood at his car, with the passenger door open, ready to drive me off to the start of the school week.


"Please come, Tae. It's her last night home before she goes back to her non-stop working again. It's miserable for both her and I. Plus, she specifically mentioned to bring you."

My words seemed to go in one ear then out the other till I mentioned Taehyung. We sat in his car, my body turned to his, yet my seat belt still locked in place as he drove me home from my stressful day at school. It was obvious that as I spoke, he had something bigger on his mind, and a silly dinner wasn't as important.

"Baby boy, can't we do this another night? I have really important things I hav-"

I only sigh, cutting into his words. I knew what he was saying, and where it was going. My body unconsciously relaxed and turned to sit facing the correct way, my mood completely ruined, simply because Taehyung wouldn't spend the evening with my mom and I. Maybe I just wanted to spend time with him, or maybe I wanted him to come spend time with my mom, but I knew I was upset because he couldn't come tonight.

We sat in silence for a few moments before he spoke again, his voice raw with emotion, "That rival gang is really making my gang nervous, and we're not nervous creatures. We're the bad guys, baby. I'm busy, because I'm protecting you."

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