Prologue: Tangled Threads

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   Corrin sat in on the velvet bed of her private quarters in the Astral Planes. The war had stressed her out badly. Not even Sakura’s words of encouragement could ease her overwhelming stress, unlike it oftenly did. She sat on that bed, contemplating what their next move should be, the units they had lost, what she would do to prevent potential deaths, and what could end the war. Her mind was swimming. It was unlike her to be so stressed.
   Corrin’s mind could not take the burden of bringing peace to Hoshido and Nohr much longer, although her spirit was very strong. Ever since Kaze had fallen to his death, she had broken. That was the last death her mind could witness, especially with how close he was to her, and his kindness towards her.
   There was an abrupt knocking on the door, causing Corrin’s concentration to pause. She shifted her gaze from the wall to the wooden door and put a question to the anonymous person, attempting to sound as strong as she could, “Who is it, and what business do you have with me?”
   “Milady,” Jakob cleared his throat, leaning closer to the door, “I received word that you were not doing too well, so I brought you green tea to help ease your stress. Do I have permission to enter?”
   Corrin swallowed and stared at the wall once more before looking back at the door, “Yes, Jakob. I grant you permission to enter.”
   In a gentle manner, Jakob opened the door to Corrin’s quarters. He slipped in, one hand holding the door knob while the other held a tray with a single tea glass atop. He shut the door behind himself and walked over to her bed, removed the tea glass from the tray and offered it to her. She nodded a thanks and took the tea she was offered.
   Noticing the way she sat, and the expression she wore, Jakob furrowed his eyebrows. “Milady, have you been resting and properly hydrating yourself? You seem to be quite exhausted. This is no condition to be in, considering we may go into battle at any moment.”
   Corrin gave Jakob a worrisome smile: her eyebrows tilted inwards, and her smile weak. “Yes, Jakob. I am doing well...though I appreciate the concern.” She sipped on the herbal tea, then lowered it, the glass now half empty.
   “You do know that I am here only to serve you, right, Milady? To see you in this worries me that I am not doing enough for you. If there is anything- anything at all -that I am doing wrong, or can do to assist you, let me know. I hate to see you in such a terrible state.”
   She did not take another sip just yet. Instead, she averted her gaze from his, and pulled a straight face to hold back tears. “No, Jakob,” she shook her head, swallowing her saliva as her eyes became a shade of pink, “you're doing everything perfectly. This is just...alot for me. You worry too much for me, and too little for yourself…”
   She trailed off, now staring into nothingness. A moment later, she sipped on her tea once more. Besides the sound of her drinking the tea, she was silent.
   There was a sudden knock at the door, causing both her and Jakob to turn their heads. “Who could that be?” Corrin asked.
   Jakob gave a subtle shrug and was about to speak when they received a muffled answer from behind the door. “It's Subaki.”
   Jakob grew slightly tense at the sound of his voice, and the mention of his name, but kept a calm facade. Corrin answered, “Come in, Subaki.”
   The door opened, and in stepped Subaki. As his eyes met Jakob’s, he grew tense. The two of them looked away immediately. Subaki seemed a bit timid now that he knew Jakob was here, and Jakob sighed in annoyance.
   Jakob noticed her cup had been emptied, and gently removed it from Corrin’s lap, collecting the plate as well. He begun to head towards the door, and gave one final greeting, “I must be off, Milady. I...hope all will be well soon.”
   Both Corrin and Jakob nodded. She responded, “Thank you, Jakob. Have a nice day.”
   With that, Jakob closed the door after he parted, and Subaki turned to look at you once more. “Lady Corrin, I heard you weren't doing too well, and hoped I could help you… What's troubling you?”
   Again. This situation seemed to be repeating itself. Earlier, Sakura had attempted to ease her worries, as did Hinoka and Jakob. Yes, it was very kind of them, but it was beginning to annoy her. She just wanted to heal in peace- not chitchat.
   “I...wish not to say, Subaki.” Corrin replied, sighing as she placed a hand over her heart. “It hurts too much to put into words… I hope you understand.”
   Subaki sighed, his eyes now tilted inwards out of concern for Corrin. “Lady Corrin, I hate to push it, but seeing you this way is troublesome.”
   Same thing as Jakob, just worded differently. Why can she not get a moment of silence without reoccurring concern getting in the way? All she wished for was silence so she could sort out her thoughts. If only that would come to her, then maybe she could heal faster.
   “Subaki, why were the two of you so tense?” she asked, ignoring his question. Corrin really did not wish to answer it, and hoped she would not have to.
   He sighed once more, and his eyes shifted to the side. He changed the subject as you did, “Not to be rude, Corrin, but may you answer my question before I answer yours?”
   Corrin took a moment to think, then shook her head, “Subaki, I'm sorry, pains me too much to say. I hope you'll forgive me.”
   “ I just wish I could be more use to you, Lady Corrin.” Subaki spoke, “Well then… Lady Sakura wished for me to help her in sparring, so I have to leave now. If you happen to need me, give me a call.”
   Corrin nodded and simply waved him off, “Goodbye, Subaki.”
   For one last moment, he stared at her, his gaze tinted with worry. He gently shook his head, sighed and left Corrin to be alone once more.

   After a soothing session in the hot springs with Kagero and Hinoka, she left the two of them to their own devices and decided to take a stroll before heading home. Although it was nearly midnight, it had been a while since she last left her quarters, besides whenever she had to participate in battle, so she felt she needed at least one night out.
   In her most recent battle, she had allowed her anger, confusion, frustration and sorrow to vent, and ended up killing her foes in her dragon form. She was not merciful that time, and instead of that allowing her to vent her sorrows, it ended up worsening them. Corrin felt so, utterly terrible. She just wanted to curl up and hide forever, but that was not a possibility.
   Her walk came to a halt as she started gazing endlessly at the gravel path below her feet. She was lost in thought, no longer able to escape the depths of her troublesome mind. Corrin cupped her hands over her face and began to silently cry. For a while, she stood there, doing nothing besides just that. Crying.
   “I...have to get home..” she murmured under the sniffles of her runny nose, wiping the tears from her cheeks. Corrin started off towards her house, her body tensed and hands clenched at her side.

   The way back was silence. Everyone was either busy training, relaxing in the hot spring, tending to farm plots or simply in their rooms. Just as she was three minutes closer to her quarters, she took yet another pause. She heard the whispers of two grown males behind the mess hall. This called to her attention.
   Feeling that it wouldn't be right to eavesdrop, she continued on her way. What had officially caught her attention was when one of the males raised their voice, just loud enough for her to hear, “Why are you so worried? I would never harm her. I only wish to mend her sorrowful heart. Stop being so overprotective.”
   Subaki…? That couldn't have been him, could it? He didn't sound so calm. What and who was he talking about? Who was he talking with? She was swimming in thoughts.
   “I am not being overprotective, you fool. I am simply ensuring that the only one who matters to me remains alive. I cannot entrust her to you.” the other male responded, his voice a cold English.
   Jakob. It was Jakob. What were the two of them talking about? They couldn't possibly have been talking about…
   Corrin gasped, cupping her hands over her mouth once again. She needed to hurry off, but she was curious still. Just a few moments longer, then she would linger no more.
   Subaki huffed, “Entrust her to me? Haha, Jakob. You are but her servant- not her companion or father. I'm sorry, but I believe it is not your right to determine which of us have her.”
   This was so stupid. She needed to go. Why were they fighting about her? Is that why they were so tense earlier, yet refused to speak to her about their problems? Corrin could only assume. It was already making her as tense as they were. Corrin could not take it, and continued on home.
    When she arrived home, she shut and locked the front door, "Oh gods," she huffed, mumbling to herself as she took a seat on her bed, "that is what it was? That's so stupid!"
    Corrin stamped her foot on the ground in frustration and drug her hand down her face. As if she was not already stressed enough, she had to deal with much more stress now. Now she had to deal with their pity rivalries? She hated life right now. She hated it so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2017 ⏰

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