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THE LAST BELL rang through the ears of students.They all scattered out their seats, practically yelling through the halls, filled with jittery kids. They all screamed for the thought of summer, for the time they would spend with their friends. But, it was peculiar. For me, that is. I didn't have the urge to get up at my seat. The pastel yellow chair I sat at. I watched as the last kid stumbled through the doorway, leaving all the work they ever learned so quickly.

My fingers fumbled with the tape in my hands, sliding the object in my walkman. Pushing the small strand of hair behind my ear, I headed out the room I got used to. Till next year, at least. Walking through the sea of kids, their voices boomed through the walls, bouncing off the lockers roughly.

I placed the headphones around my neck, heading to the door that led the way out. My eyes caught those of Henry Bower's, chills running down my spine as I met the gaze of the older boy. I couldn't even stand the small smirk on his lips as I quickly looked to the floor. Adding a pace to my step, I could feel the hard glare towards my back as I walked past the boy and his friends.

Aggressively pushing the door, I was met with the bright sun staring down at me. Walking down the steps, I headed to the right. It wasn't until my bag was viscously grabbed from behind, my feet stumbling backwards as I fell straight on my back. I could hear the snickers of the obvious bully who seemed to take amusement of 'pushing' me around.

My face hardened as I saw the face of Henry, my fist curled with the adrenaline of anger that ran through me. Oh, please. It's not like you'll do anything anyway.

"Well if it isn't the same little bastard." Henry's word struck hard as his friends laughed, a frown upon my face as I felt the stinging in my palms. "Just can't get away, can you?"

"If you'd stop following me we wouldn't have this problem," I spat back, my voice barely over a whisper. I didn't even pay attention to the kids around us, questioning why nobody stopped to help. They were just bystanders. They weren't intended to help, but to just watch.

"Finally standing up for yourself, huh, little squirt?" Henry seemed to eye me down like a hawk with its helpless prey. All I was able to do was just watch as he broke me down in defeat. You can't get out of this one, Monet. Not this time. Henry came closer with a swift movement, the smell of sweat and dirt fixating in my nose.

If it wasn't for the manners I grew up with, I would've gagged in his face. But even with a boy like him, I never was able to. "Summers gonna be real fun. Yeah, I know it. You won't even hesitate to even think about coming out of your house."

superstitious,      bill denbrough        Where stories live. Discover now