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SITTING ALONG THE streets curb, my hands found their way into the fur of Frankenstein. Running my fingers along the cats hair, I watched amusingly at the Band members.

With the current events from the rock war before, Mike had tagged along with the mischievous kids. I was no longer the newbie. And to a sense, it sent a breath of relief out of my way cause I was now considered one in the group. I was even more thankful as to have found Frankie alongside them in the forest.

With my feet tapping to the beat of the drums, I watched the Marching Band play along with their instruments, their sound rhythms echoing through my ears. Closing my eyes, I now only focused onto the pattern of notes.

Letting each note feel me with ease, I no longer thought about the clown, or the missing children. I didn't even think of the people around me. I only focused onto the stress relieving music.

"I could totally do that."

With my eyes snapping open, they landed on the boy who sat quite too close to me. Snickering, I shook my head. "Playing the trumpet, or by means any instrument, takes time and practice. You'd probably know that if you took the time to think for once, Richie."

Both of our attentions landed onto the man who slowly marched his way down the street, closer and closer our way. I glanced over to Richie, his eyes glued to the trumpet in the strangers hands. With a single second to spare, I had already knew what had drove in the crazy kids mind.

"Playing something so easy like that takes a maximum of two minutes to learn. Lucky for you, it'll only take one," Richie proudly states, pushing himself off the ground.

"And this brings me any meaning or luck because..." I stated, getting up to my feet as well as I stood to his side.

"Because I'm the master of anything. Trust me. With a single one of these notes, you'll be beggin' for it."

I rolled my eyes, watching him stride his way to the teen with the instrument. "Mind if I borrow this for a second?" Without another word to be muttered, Richie forcefully took the instrument into hand, blowing through the mouth piece in a appalling matter.

Although it was played horrendously, I couldn't stop the fit of laughter I was in as I watched Richie hold tight to the instrument as the older boy tried prying it away. Slightly pushing the back of my hand near my mouth, I tried stifling the bubble of laughter that erupted.

superstitious,      bill denbrough        Where stories live. Discover now