The Doe is a symbol of Foreshadowing, premonition and revelation.
" The meanings associated with the deer combine both soft, gentle qualities with strength and determination:
•Ability to move through life and obstacles with grace
•Being in touch with inner child, innocence
•Being sensitive and intuitive
•Vigilance, ability to change directions quickly
•Magical ability to regenerate, being in touch with life's mysteries"I'd drawn this for my aunt who was sickly, I suppose you could say. She had cancer, I wanted to draw something for her but I didn't know what. But at the last minute -the day before my sister and I were to go see her at a family gathering- this image came to me, and the more I got into it the more detail began to illuminate within me. When the drawing had come to its finish I saw a meaning behind it, my mother had seen another. My aunt had a son that died maybe three years before I was born, his first name is my middle name, my mom saw the shadowed part as him and the lit part as me.
I'd intended for the meaning to be something like, "This sickness is only a dark section of your present, but soon you will stand tall with your 'antlers' upright. It is only temporary." And I truly believed it would pass, but then she passed causing me to see another meaning that lied within it.
A friend of one of my teachers/acquaintances was having a baby, One life ends and another begins I thought. It made me think of how beautiful death was, when it was seasonal or natural. But there are even more meanings to this image. I may not be able to see them all, but everyone else may find their own meaning to it.
Also, I've reached a milestone! I'm at fifty drawings, that I've posted. Not all that I've drawn I've posted :P but still 50 published parts, next 100 xD
My drawings
RandomThis is a book of all of my drawings (Past and Future). Drawings of anime characters scenery and things of the such (?). ☆ A book of drawings posted for some kind of recognition or applause xD enjoy~ DISCLAIMER: some, if not most, of these drawings...