Chapter 11- Gem Heart, Emotional Mind

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(A/N Thank you once again towerofbable for another vote

Anyways, ONWARDS!)

Zachary POV

My gem?

Zachary: So, you're finally going to talk about it? Just like that?

Smiling innocently, she nods, before I felt a sudden tug in my chest.


Looking down, I see the soft glow of light grow, larger and larger, as the feeling of something being pulled followed after.

Zachary: What're you doing?

Opening her eyes, the same diamond shaped pupils stared back at me, freezing me.

Suddenly, she thrust her hand forward, her body and hand phasing through me, the tugging in my chest pulling back with her.

Then, it was gone. Looking back, I see the light began fading, outlining something peculiar.

In her hands, was a... heart. Softly beating, I felt my chest, feeling... empty.

B???: This, is your gem. Within this organ, this "heart", your gem exists.

Snapping her fingers, my heart disappeared from her hand, now a large gem in her hands.

A black gem, in the shape of a four point gem, glowing in a soft black light, floating.

Feeling my chest again, I was met with the familiar beat, only now, it felt empty, painfully empty.

Looking towards her palm, I could only stare, mesmerized by the soft glow it emitted, not one of mystery or of danger, but, of comfort.

B???: This! This is your gem!

Holding it up, the gem began glowing brighter and brighter, until the room shattered, leaving us in an open field, water surrounding the patch of grass we were standing on, as the sky was filled with milky white clouds, the blue expanse stretching until it mixed in view with the water.

B???: And now, this is your true mindscape, though it will take time for it to develop, its good enough.

Walking over to me, she thrusts the gem back into my chest, as the feeling of emptiness left, as an aura of light outlined my body.

Zachary: What is this?

B???: Your potential.

Without any warning, I felt my self being pulled backwards, my feet gliding across the grass, kicking up any dew on the grass.

B???: Hmm, looks like our times up...

Cupping her hands around her mouth, she said one thing that made everything even more confusing.

B???: Don't worry! They'll still like you, even if they hate your gem!

Building speed, I was launched towards the sky, as my vision grew dark with the clouds, until it was a complete black.

S???: Z...r.y



Opening my eyes, I found myself back in the waking world, Steven jumping up, shaking his hands infront of my face.

Glancing back at the barn, I saw Lapis and Peridot messing with a slice of pizza each, stretching the cheesy article of food.

Zachary: Uhh, what?

Steven: I said it's time to eat!

I guess time moved slower in my "mindscape"...

Zachary: O-okay, uh, lead the way!

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