22: T-Rex Highfive

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Regret washes over in oceans,
Drenching a hot head with
Unholy sorrow and disgust;
Time reigns over as Almighty Queen
Who casts a permanent chill over
The land, the mirrors, the soul.
The molten mistakes cool solid
In the prison of our brains
Forever materialized, measured, weighted.
A prideful ego never dies
It's only masked by alibis.

By: Unknown.


I sigh, watching from a couple feet away as Stiles hand-cuffs our father to one of the cells, raising his eyebrows at Matt when he's done.

"Tighter." He orders, pointing the gun at my twin as a method of intimidation.

"Kinky." I mutter under my breath, causing the stressed werewolf beside me to supress a laugh.

"What was that Stilinski?" The physcopathic teenager questions, swiveling the gun so that it was aimed at my forehead. Dang, I guess my sarcasm really is gonna get me killed.

"Nothin." I snort, too disassociated to care. Matt narrows his eyes and grabs my elbow roughly, using me to lead the boys back to the Sheriff's office. Dead bodies littered the path, each suffering multiple stab wounds and some even drowning in their own blood.

"Whoah, whoah, whoah!" I exclaim, my sneakers skidding across the ground as I attempt to stop, but fail as the boy continues to drag me along. "Are you just going to kill everybody in this damn station!?"

"No." He smirks, casting a wink in my direction as the two boys share worried glances behind us. "That's what Jackson's for. I just think about killing them and he does it."

"That's a little fucked up don't you think?" I hum, recieving a painful flick to the back of the head from my twin. Matt sighs in annoyance, shoving the door to the office open before pushing us into it, the silver gun ready at his finger tips. Great, now we're gonna die.

"Now I want you to get rid of every file containing my involvment to the case."


"And that, is the last peice of evidence. Can we go now?" I groan, leaning my head of messy brown hair against Scott's shoulder.

Caged // Isaac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now