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I was walking back to my condo from La Salle when I decided to take a short cut on a usually desserted alley in Taft. I want to call it bravery but most would argue it's stupidity.

Honestly, I really was just tired and was dying to get back to my bed and rest. I've taken that road several times, I didn't think I would ever be in danger. Plus, I had a whistle and a taser with me. I was confident those were enough to keep me safe.

I was already in the middle of the alley when I was pushed to the side as a man ran past me. Another faster one came and kicked the man down. I immediately pulled the taser out of my handbag but the two weren't even paying attention to me.

The other one can't as he was being pummeled by the other. It was then that I noticed the other one has the figure of a woman. A familiar one.

I was stunned.

I saw the face of the woman beating the man.

She had this manic look in her eyes.

She was smiling as she punched and kicked the man to a pulp until his face was all bloodied.

It was too violent.

"Tell your friends if I ever see them or you again, your next stop will be the morgue," the woman said with an evil laugh.

The man crawled away at first before finding the strength to stumble away.

I, who was frozen to death, made the mistake of saying her name.


She slowly turned to me and there was confusion and irritation on her face.

"You know me."

I did. I know her.

She was also a third year student like me. She was in my psychology class. We were practically seatmates.

And the person in front of me was far from the Alyssa I knew.

She slowly walked towards me and as much as I wanted to move, I couldn't. I was scared.

"What should I do with you?" she said.

"A-ano?" I asked, trying to stay calm.

"I can't have you blabbering about what you saw."

She was just talking but she sound absolutely menacing and threatening.

"I-I w-won't tell," I said.

"Y-y-you b-better n-not," she said, making fun of my stutter. "Or you'll end up like that man."

She stepped into my personal space and I backed away but hit the wall.

"It would be a shame since you have a pretty face," she whispered against my ear before biting it.

It made me shiver in disgust.

She backed off and gave me one more sinister smile as she licked her lips.

"Don't you dare say a word or I'll hunt you down."

She whistled as she walked away as if she didn't just violently beat up a man and threatened a classmate.

She suddenly stopped.

I ran and never looked back.


The next day, my heart was pounding as I made my way to my Psych class.

I arrived there early to be able to pick a seat away from Alyssa but Alyssa was already there. She was busy scribbling and writing what seemed to be our due paper for that day. 

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