9//"Liana~ we have to go!"//

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Liana pov
I've been excited to see people, which trust me, I usually don't. I'm antisocial, so that's why. During practice, I made no mistakes, vocal warmups, I aced all high notes. I was joyous by something, I can't quite put my finger on it. Then, I heard my jam come on. DNA~ oh yessh. I had my earbuds in, so I could hear absolutely nothing. I was just dancing the choreography, and Naomi saw. I unplugged the earbuds so we could both dance and listen. She was jumping up and down. I guess she was visiting us, by us, I mean Yoongi. That whistle that Jk does is: OMG. Jaehee, Nari, and Yuna even saw and joined. When the song finished, we were completely out of breath. We did a group hug, just randomly. The girls left, which only resulted in Naomi and myself staying.
"Yoongi was so~ sexy~ ! Don't you agree Liana?" I shrugged and rolled my eyes with a smile. Speak of the devil, Yoongi crept behind Naomi and, dipped her into a kiss. How oddly cute.
"Oh hey Liana, didn't see you standing there." Yoongi said it with actual truthfulness. They were busy making out so I just picked up my stuff, walked backwards, and left. I really need to stop walking like that, I bumped into who knows what.
"Sorry, wasn't looking." I said it in a hurry, and walked away.
"It's okay. You don't have to ignore me. I'm sorry if I made things awkward yesterday." I looked back and saw it was Jungkook. I dropped all my shit, and ran towards him. I hugged him from behind with a strong grip, I can't afford him to be mad at me.
"I didn't know that was you. Plus, I like awkward, and I swear to you, I will NEVER ignore you." I said it into his back, so it came out muffled. He gave me a more passionate kiss than last time.
"Look at the cute new couple!" Taehyung and the others came out of nowhere. Jk and I separated ourselves from each other, in a heart beat.. I went to pick up my stuff, and walked back.
"So is it official? How long has it been? Did we interrupt something?" Jk and I looked at each other in annoyance, because of the last one.
"I guess it is. It's been a day and.." Jungkook intertwined his hand with mine. My hands are always cold on a daily. I wonder if that bothers him.

"You did interrupt something." We said it in unison. The boys started being loud. Then, they were distracted by Yoongi and Naomi. At least they weren't making out when they appeared.
"Should we take this chance and leave?" I nodded, and we left the hallway to go into a vacant practice room. I sat down and jk sat next to me. His hair was styled the way it was in DNA. I wanted to touch it so bad but, I didn't want to mess it up. I stared at his lips for the longest, then his hair. I laid down on my back, with my feet planted on the ground, and my knees bending. By surprise, Jk placed his entire body on top of mine. I had to put my knees down because, I can't hold all that pressure.
"What are you doing? Get off of me! You're much heavier than I am." He began to pretend he was sleeping, and snore very loudly in a joking manner. The brutal way to get him off me, is to knee him in the balls. OR, the easier way out, is to tickle him. I tickled him and he couldn't stop laughing. I didn't stop because, his laugh is cute to me.
"Stop! I'll get off, I promise!" Instead, he got up and sat on me. This is much worse. He leaned forward and we were face-to-face. He got so close, it was to the point where, his nose touched mine. He leaned even closer and soon enough, we were making out like MiYo(Naomi and yoongi).There were barely any breaks. Suddenly, the door opens and I start freaking the fuck out. I was shocked to find Yuna staring dead at us. Her make-up was running, again. I'm honestly not surprised.
"Liana-Unnie! Jungkook-sunbaenim! I am extremely sorry. I'm..gonna go now.." I had to act fast, I don't know if she's a snitch. However, I did feel bad.
"Yuna...hi~ listen, come sit here. I'll listen to whatever might be bothering you." She closed the door behind her. Jk gave me puppy eyes, got off, and sat to my left. Yuna couldn't handle who knows what, and began to sob uncontrollably. I got up to hug her. I didn't care if there were tears on my shirt, she's like a little kid, even though she's a leader. When she calmed down a bit, she began to open up.
"I just saw...Yoongi.. Kissing Naomi. Did you know they were dating? She's your best friend after all. Hell, I didn't even think about you two dating." Jungkook turned red. What I hate is telling people what they want to hear, but she's in dire need of the truth.
"Yuna, you have to keep it a secret. Don't argue with me because, I guarantee you that you won't win. You have to suck it up, the words coming out of my mouth, aren't supposed to hurt you. I do this because, I can't stand seeing you like this. Yoongi only has eyes for Naomi. Promise me that you won't tell anyone, especially about what you saw not too long ago. If you break the promise, I will hurt you soo badly, you'll forget him." She wiped away her tears, and she promised that she wouldn't break it. Before she left, I gave her my makeup bag, in order for her to re-do it. I told her to give it back whenever I remember.
"Noona, Are you upset? Was it Yuna?" This time he was laying his head on my lap.
"Yeah, I'm pissed off. And no, it wasn't Yuna." I took my phone out of my pocket to check the date. In two weeks, it would be Naomi's birthday. I needed to get her something but, she already has Yoongi. I can't do any better than that. Or maybe, I can. Jungkook tried to start doing what he did, by laying on me.
"We aren't doing this again right now. Lemme finish. You'll be coming with me tomorrow to get Naomi something for her birthday. Its in two weeks." He looked at me with those eyes again. I will die if he does this one more time. Metaphorically speaking.
"But tomorrow, is different from right now. Can't we continue what we were doing before?" I poked his cheeks, and gifted him with a kiss on the cheek. He sat up and faced me.
"Why are you so kinky today?" He shrugged and leaned in to kiss me. He didn't even let me blink, I was caught by surprise. As revenge, I bit his lip. This child didn't even flinch, nor did he break the kiss. I'm starting to question if he was even affected.
"Liana~ we have to go! Where are you?" As soon as I heard Nari's voice, I pushed Jungkook so far, he was mad~ . I tried to crawl away but, he grabbed my leg and pulled me toward him.
"Let me go sir. I will tell all your hyungs what you did today."

"If you do, then I'll tell the girls what you let me do. Doesn't seem fair now does it?" My phone started ringing, it was Nari. I put it on speaker.
"Liana where are you? We need to buy Naomi presents. You better have bought something." I rolled my eyes at Jungkook. He won't stop pulling my leg.
"Nari, I've been held hostage by one of our sunbaenims. I'm trying to set myself free."

"Oh! You mean Jungkook right?" Jungkook and I were upset.
"What!? Uhmm... where did you get that idea?" He finally let go and we stood up.
"I thought you two would get together one day."

"Alright. I'll be there soon I guess. Bye." I hung up and grabbed Jk by the wrist. While keeping the grip, I picked up our stuff and we left the room.
"Where are we going?" I kept walking until we reached MY destination. I swear these boys don't notice shit. Jk whispered into my ear.
"Liana. I'm sorry, I was just playing around." He kissed my cheek, I'm not Having it right now.
"YAH! Take care of him for me would you?" The boys nodded and Jungkook was utterly confused. I blew him a kiss, and left him there. When I finally left the building, something didn't feel right. I walked back to that same room.
"Liana Noona~ please take me with you." I didn't even get a chance to talk but, the boys gave him to me. It's as if they've had enough of him. We walked outside, and into the parking lot.
"Ooh~ I wanna drive! Can I drive?" Oh hell no. He is not touching my baby.
"You're not touching my Cadillac. I'M driving." He pouted and sat in the passenger seat. We drove to my place first. I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled Jk into my room, and I made him stay there. I took my second hot shower and put on some clean clothes.I'm done. I wasn't going to get dressed with Jk in the room. We are certainly not there yet. He waited quietly, and patiently. He followed me like a puppy everywhere I went. Even when I was picking out socks, he kept distracting me. I didn't know what shoes to wear, so I asked him instead.
"I think you should wear those. They look cool." I wore lavender Converses. I grabbed my keys, my clutch, and left.
"Where are we going?" I find it cute when he asks questions.


"Where's that?"

"In a place, somewhere." He laughed and couldn't contain it anymore. I stopped at this jewelry place which makes custom designed pieces. I went straight to the lady at the front desk.
"I'm here to pick up my necklace? It was the one made out of Amethyst." She smiled and quickly went to go look for it. Jungkook got impatient and started holding my hand. I didn't mind, I got cold again.
"Here you go, the intricate design you picked out was marvelous if I do say so myself. Have a nice day Liana. Make sure you tell your best friend happy birthday for me." I nodded and thanked her. I was so excited for Next week. I really wanted to gift the necklace to her. We left and, he wanted me to stay with him for the next two weeks. I went back home to pack a bunch of clothes, including what I was going to wear that upcoming event.

<|Two weeks Later|>

Liana pov
I put on my off the shoulder, long sleeve black dress. It was high to low like my other dresses. This one had gold lining as an exception. The boys and I left together. Although, Jungkook and I can't walk out while holding hands. Not everybody knows. Once we arrived at the party, there was music playing and chandeliers hanging. It was very fancy and there was a huge bar."Don't even think about drinking." Jungkook frowned."Come on! I'm old enough." I rolled my eyes and helped put up the decorations."Thanks for helping me." Yoongi Said and I nodded. A lot more people came to help. We invited everyone from JYP and Bighit. When everyone came, it was time to pick Naomi up from her dorm.

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