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Liana and Naomi are childhood friends. They've overcome many great hardships in the past years. Numerous tragedies have stirred and so on and so forth. One day when they were on their way to work, they saw seven angels wearing mostly black. They immediately knew who those guys were: B. T. S. They were walking towards the pair of girls until, they began to talk. BTS kept rambling on and on about how the best friends should audition. Although Liana was quite hesitant, Naomi spoke for both of them when she agreed. A few moments later, they noticed they were late for work. One of their coworkers saw a bighit audition flyer. It seems to be that luck is on their side for once. The girls were ecstatic, yet, overwhelmed with nervous attitude. The day of the audition approaches slowly, but surely.
The tale of two lives that were once whole, are now broken in two. Dire consequences arise from every cardinal direction. I wonder..what will happen.

Tale of  Double LivesWhere stories live. Discover now