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         Chapter one- The prank

As I walked down the hallway at school I noticed something was wrong. Very wrong.

There was blood covering just about everything. The other students around me looked just as shocked and surprised as me. I looked for my best friend Megan but she was nowhere to be seen.

The principal came around the corner and ordered everyone to clear the hallway and go to class. He didn't sound as pleasant as normal but I couldn't blame him.

I walked to class to find Megan sitting in her normal seat waiting for me. She had bags under her brown eyes and her dark red hair was pulled into a pony tail.

"Hey. Did you see what happened in the hallway?" I said as I sat next to her.

"Hey Amber. No I didn't see anything was I supposed to?"

"Besides the fact that there is blood everywhere in the hallway."

"WHAT! What happened? "

"I don't know I showed up and it was just there. But the weird thing is it didn't really look or smell like blood."

"Do you think that this is another one of those stupid Senior pranks they have been pulling all week?"

"Well considering that we pulled one of those stupid pranks, I will say yes to that."

"Well I have to say this is the stupidest of them all."

I was about to reply when the door to the class room was thrown open by a student and the principal.

I have seen the student before and that's when I realized that it Josh Nicholson. He has brown hair that was put up the same as everyone else, short and he had it gelled up. It looked a little like Justin Beibers hair. He has amazing green blue eyes. He has both ears priced and those diamonds that guys get with them.

"Quiet down please." The principal's voice boomed over all of the chatting Cathys in the back. Everyone got quiet very quickly.

The principle was an older man who was bald. He didn't have any wrinkles but he did have lines shaping around his mouth. He had glasses that hung down a little on his nose. He wore a suit that was a lite shade of gray and a tie that had Mickey and Friends on it. He was on the smaller side of the scale.

"Thank you. I know some of you are wondering what happened in the hallway and no worries it will be explained at another time but it is not real. Now you have another transfer into to this class and this" He said pointing to Josh "is Joshua Nicholson. He will be in this class with you for the rest of the year." He left the room and Josh standing in the front alone.

"Since we have another student joining this class I have made a new sitting chart." The class including Megan and I groaned. She quieted us down and began to point to seats and say names. I stopped paying attention after the first few names.

People started to get up and I figured she was done saying where people sat. I didn't know so I just stood up until everyone else was settled into their seat except for Josh and I.

"Josh, Amber you can take your seats now." she said mostly looking at me.

"I would but" I was cut off by Mrs. Brown.

"Oh Amber you need to start paying more attention." She looked at the setting chart and to my surprise said that Josh and I would sitting together at one of the middle tables.

I noticed that Megan was in the front with Max. Max is the quarterback for our football team. Everyone loved him and his charming personality and incredible good looks.

Josh and I took our seats and I started to try and get Megan's attention but she was flirting with Max so it was no use.

"Hey Amber, you know what you need." Josh took a pause, probably waiting for me to answer. "Well you need a nickname like Ambie. I like it."

"Oh do you now Joshua. Because if I get a nickname than I think you should to."

"Alright you got one for me." He said and smiled at me.

"Psh not at the moment you have to give me time to think. You think things just jump into my head like they do in yours? It's also a Monday morning."

"Excuses, excuses." He looked at me and poked my nose.

I opened my mouth to ask him what he was doing but I was interrupted by the announcements.

We stood up and said the pledge which was followed by other less important things. Then they said that this mornings 'blood' was really some kind of paint to make it look like it so therefore it was another senior prank.

Josh stood up and started to bow and say thank you but quickly sat back down.

"So you're the one that did that. Tacky but impressive." I said quietly to him.

"What I got caught half way threw." He sounded disappointed. "They got pissed and gave me more classes and now my schedule is fucked up."

The lesson to class started and we both stopped talking. I tuned out and started to think about Josh. The bell rang and I headed out not waiting for Megan.

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