Chapter 6- The hospital

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At some point on the way to the hospital I feel asleep.

I woke up to see Josh on top of me.

"Josh what are you doing" I asked staring at his half naked body.

"Why can't we have a little fun?" Josh said trying to take my clothes off.

"Josh stop! I don't want to do this."

"Come on Amber it will be fun. I promise you will enjoy it." He whispered the last part in my ear.

"No I won't, now get off of me!" He than tied me up and proceed to whip me.

"This is for you own good Amber."

I was shaken awake. I realized I was screaming.

"Quickly let's get her inside and fixed up." Someone said.

I was hauled out of the car by a man wearing blue scrubs. He placed me on a gurney and put something around my broken leg. I was being pushed through the hospital crying and occasionally screaming because someone moved my leg. We made it into a room that had a TV, a plant, and a few chairs. The room was a light vanilla, carmel color. I was lifted from the gurney and placed on the bed, which had a TVs remote on it and an emergency call button. The men walked out and closed the door behind them.

Josh opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind him. He looked at me with sad eyes. He walked over to the side of the bed and sat down next to me.

"Amber you're going to be ok." He said wiping the tears from my face.

He moved so he was laying next to me.

"I know, everyone tells me that. But will it really?" I said laying my head on his chest.

"Yes, it will I will make sure of it." He kissed the top of my head.

After a few minutes the doctor walked in.

"Hello Amber. I am Doctor Ross. So first off I would like to here how this happened."

I sniffeled and wiped my tears which had soaked up Josh's shirt. "I was out on a walk and a-as I was coming back down I couldn't see wh-where I was stepping. So i-i fell and this happened." I said indicating to my leg. I was shaking so bad and I couldn't talk right.

"OK well we will get an X-ray on your leg than fix you up to go home." He said smiling at me.

He left the room, leaving Josh and I alone again.

"So you said you would tell me how you found me." I said looking up at him through wet eyes.

"Right. Well after you ran out of class today I followed you. When you pulled up to the park it looked like you wanted some alone time. I figured if you were still there later I would go and find you. I returned to school and after I went back to the park to look for you. When I saw your car still there, I got out and went to look for you. And when I couldn't find you I started to head back down the trail. I heard screaming just as I had reached the park again. I ran to my car grabbed a flashlight and I ran back up the trail. So does that answer your question?" He said playing with my hair. His hand was trailing my back when he noticed it was lumpy. "Amber what's wrong with your back?"

"Um..." He was lifting up the parts of my shirt that he could to see what was wrong.

"Josh it's nothing." I said trying to pull his hands away. He gasped and I screamed because I moved my leg and he had seen my back.

He pulled my face up to look at him in the eyes. "Amber who did this to you?" His voice was stern and filled with anger.

"Josh." I said starting to cry again.

Someone knocked on the door and a male nurse came in with the X-ray machine.

"I am going to take some pictures of your leg , so sir if you don't mind can you take a step out of the room." Josh got up and hastily walked out of the room. The man started to set up the machine. He placed a big gray mat like thing over my chest. It was heavy but not so much that it crushed me. He then started to ask me questions. "Amber have you had any drugs or alcohol in the past 24 hours?" I shook my head no and the man continued "Are you or could possibly be pregnant?"

"No sir."

"Great now we can start." He walked out of the room to where a cart with a computer was. He pressed a button and the machine went off.

After the X-rays were taken the man took the mat off my chest and walked out of the room taking the rest of his equipment with him

Josh came back in looking clam. But before he could say anything the doctor walked in.

"Amber I believe that your parents are here to see you. Would you like them to come in?"

"No sir." He gave me a confused look than walked out.

"Amber what the hell? Why don't you want your parents in here?" He asked nicely.

I didn't say anything, but I think that he understood.

"Oh Amber I'm so sorry." He walked over to my bedside pulling me into a hug. "I will get you out of there. Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

"Yes but they were put into a different Foster home."

After a few moments the doctor walked back in.

"So Amber we have all of your information now. We will go ahead and fit you for a leg cast. Also your parents really want to see you."

Josh stopped him there "Hey doc. I have a question for you. Do you have any child service people here at the hospital?"

"Sure we do. If we feel that a case just doesn't add up than we can call them to inspect it. Why do you ask?"

"You are wondering why Amber doesn't want her parents in here is because they have been abusing her."

I started to shake, I was so afraid of what would happen now. Why did Josh have to go and tell?

"We can have someone come down and check on the case for you. I will go right now and let them know." Doctor Ross said, then got up and walked out.

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