Chapter 2 - Walk Home

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After school I walked home along the the broken side walk. I don't live to far away about 5 blocks or so.

"Hey Amber." I hear someone shout from behind me.

"Oh it's only you."

"I'm hurt." He said as he place a hand over his heart.

"What do you want Josh."

"can I  just walk home with the coolest girl ever?"

"Ha you think I'm cool? Ya right considering who your girlfriend is don't you think you should say that about her?"

"Actually we broke up a month ago."

"Oh sorry to hear."

"No it's cool I knew it would never Work anyway. Can I ask you something?"

"Sure shoot for it"

"Um do you want to go on a date with me?" He scratched the back of his neck and look down at me.

"Are you serious?" I said laughing historically.

"Yes I am. If I wasn't than why would I even ask you?" He stopped walking and looked at me.

"Well no one ever has really asked me out before and if they have then they were a douche bag about it."

"Please I really like you and I think your crazy beautiful. Your like the rainbow your so colorful and full of life."

I smiled, I could feel my checks getting hot. "Okay"

"Great. I will pick you up later" He said as he kissed my check and walked way.

I got home did my homework and took a nap , only to be woken up by the doorbell.

"Shit." I forgot I had a date tonight

I ran and opened the door to reveal Josh standing with Lilly's in his hand.

I put a hand over my mouth and said "Those are my favorite kind of flower. How did you know?" I grabed the flowers and invited him in. We went into the kitchen to get a vase for the flowers.

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