We meet again ❤️

666 17 1

Guys listen to the song in the media 👆Swear to god I love it


Brandon points in front of him to see case running toward s u guys


Hunter puts you down 

Case:yeah I came to see if u were ok

Y/n:yeah I'm fine

Case:if u don't mind I would like to talk to y/n

For a minute 


You and case go to the side to chat

Case:I've been thinking about our breakup and I'm sorry

Y/n:I'm sorry too it's just I never wanted to cheat on u but I was forced to

Case:what about the other time

Y/n:I wanted it to happen but not really 

Case:yeah we both cheated on each other but I just wanna put it behind us

Y/n:yeah me too

Case:I'm sorry

Case leaned in and hugged u

Y/n:I'm sorry to,I just wanna be friends and not have to worry about drama 

You guys finally pulled outta the hug

Y/n:well I gotta go

Case:yeah u got my number




You walk over by Hunter and begin to walk but then realize that Hunter stoped again .You sighed because u knew what he stopped for.As soon as u stopped he picked u up and put u over his shoulder .You guys finally get back to their house,and the first thing I do is go see Ashton.You peek in his room and see that he is sound asleep,u didn't wanna wake him but u were really in a cuddle mood so u walked over to his bed too off your shoes and put on some pajamas because u had left some at their house and climbed in the bed and hugged Ashton.You slowly started falling asleep 

FML /dirty fanfic/ft Mark Thomas,Jacob Sartorius ,Brandon Rowland and more?Where stories live. Discover now