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Im Iris the outsider. I live with my mom and my siblings. I have two brothers and one sister. The oldest, Blue the most responsible one is named after my father’s favorite color. blue was mine too. My dad  could go on and on about how the color blue is an amazing color and how life without blue would be meaningless. Blue gets mistaken for a depressing color. But really how can it be so depressing when you look at the sky you think wow thats amazing and when you look at the ocean and you look at the soul you see the exquisite color of blue. Me and my dad shared an amazing bond, he meant the world to me almost like the color blue.But the color grey appeared through at a time when I thought I had the life anybody would dream of at the palm of my hands. Later that year my dad past away when I was thirteen from brain cancer. But he was the best dad. I was closer to him than anybody else even God at some point. When my dad was diagnosed with stage IV brain cancer I lost hope for God and my friends and everything honestly. They told my dad he had 11 months to live but my dad  lived for 2 years and proved to everyone who lost hope for my dad that he would hold on because live was just to hard to let go of. almost to hard   letting go the color blue. He was the strongest person. During the process of this journey I had no one. My Mom was destroyed by the fact that the love of her life was falling apart. My other siblings weren’t as close as me and my dad were. My sister, Poppy was depressed so she handled it with drugs and boys and party’s. And then my twelve year old brother, Navy was to young to understand that his dad suffered everyday of his life...My mom, Violet (my dad called her Vi)  loved flowers almost as much as she loved my dad. And almost as much as he loved the color blue. There love was so strong. I wish it could just lasted... I wish he could of lasted. But lately my mom isn’t the mom that she was. I don’t think any of us are the same truly. Sometimes I just like to close my eyes and imagine what live would be like if the color blue didn’t exist. but then life wouldn’t exist, My life wouldn’t exist because the color blue is the only thing i have left of him. But life has to go on. Don’t drag your loss or painful past let it go let it all go and just remember to live life blue.

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