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As a child I always dreaded school, but now I just hate it. At my school like any other in a america. There's the stuckup covergirls that loose there virginity their freshman year. And then the jocks, in shorter terms "hot idots" the only thing they've ever read is sports illustrated. Im more of the girl that likes to curl up in a blanket and read a series of a book multiple times. My friend Emerson ( but I call her Em) Is really the reason I have started to read books, she loves to read too. But the thing about books that keeps me in love with them is when you are caught up in the book. You feel that you live the book, that your in the book.

Most of the time I wake up and eat the sheap ceral my mom buys "to save money." And I ussaly go to school wearing nothing but sweatshirts and hand downs. Somtimes I wear the uggs my grandma gave my for my tenth birthday just so I could be trend worthey at my highschool. But other than that I dont have any other trends. It's not that we cant afford them. Lets just say once upon ago a LONG time ago I was in the group of plastic in other words the girls that stuffs there bras and eats under a diet and has so much money to blow on MK, LV, Chanel. But Id rather be someone that doesn't  judge, I finaly came to a conclusion to get out of that stage of my life and move on last year. But how those girls see it is that they kicked me out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2014 ⏰

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