Chapter I

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I grabed two box of milk, one chocolated and one strawbery.

That would be a dollar for both I thought to myself. Meaning I will only have four dollar left to spend for my meal plan.

In which I decided to get myself and an apple, a banana and an orange. As well as some bread, I caculate the total of four dollar and eighty cent.

Walking up to my checkout, the clerk immediately narrow his eyes at me. It was all in cent and quaters, a few dimes and nickles here and there but it what I had budget out. Giving me my bag of food, he give me an unpleasent look as he put in the money.

Even though he was quite rude, I thanked him kindly and wished him a great day.

The poor guy, it was certainly to early to be working at such hour.

After putting away the food in my backpack. I begin to walked outside the door, the cold misty air hit me suddenly. And so shivering, I pulled my scarf closer to me.

It was too early to start on my journey I supposed. The road was still lighted, and the moon was still out. Yet it already two A.M in the morning already. Although it is too early, it is a good time to stay out of trouble.

What can I say though, I does do this a lot. It was my daily rountine actually. Always waking up early, always moving, I had never stay long in one place.

By now you should already figure I am a homeless. Well considering that I never really had a home to started with, I don't think homeless is a right term.

Anyway my name is Winter, Winter Snow to be exact.

By the way sorry for taking such a long time to introduce myself.

I'm a sixteen years old girl and I wish that I could say that I am normal teenage girl.

But well you see I'm not.

I am a werewolf actually.

No, no, no, you got a the wrong idea, I'm not a rouge.

Sure, I don't have a home or what so called a pack. But the rouges and me are totally different. How you asked? For once rouges caused trouble to other wolves pack and I don't do that, preferbly I like to stay out of trouble. Secondly, most rouges formed their own pack. I don't have anyone that is that close to me. I don't have friends or family, let just say being raise by humans wasn't actually a pleasent time in my childhood. Thirdly, almost all rouges have a reason to run away. Some because of family, shame, revenge, murder or criminal records, the rouges were wolves who have problems with their old pack. And since I never been in a pack my whole life. I consider it a fact that I am not a rouges.

So what am I you asked?

Well many called me stray. But I don't know about you but that sound like a dog. And since I am a wolf, I prefer the term lone wolf.

Meaning I travel alone. No pack, no nothing.

From town to town, I never stay in one place much. Ever since I was eight and shifted. I was force to turn away from my human life and find myself out on the street. Let just say the orphanage and the town I was raise in. The people there were not really fond of werewolf to be exact.

And so I did what was the logical solution for me at that moment as soon as possible.

I ran away and become a homeless.

Now although I am fully a shame of myself. But for a while I did steal. Being treated like street rat really didn't help much. And if I think about it, just barely learning your werewolf power was not exactly easy.

My wolf, Snow is a mysterious one. Most of the time she lay a sleep with in me, she doesn't come out much that is if she sense danger or feel like I needed her. She will come.

She also given me my name too.

Before leaving me at the orphanage, she told me my name was Winter Snow. At that time, she thought was one of my imaginary friends in my head. Since that what the adult told me. That is until I shifted for the first time.

I knew she was my protector, she was the only person that know and I could trust.

Snow was really beautiful too. Ironically enough her fur wasn't snow white like you all been thinking. But it actually a golden orange color instead. Almost like a fox really. I heard of how rare that color are among wolves, but really it doesn't matter when you have no one. It not like I could like running around saying I am a werewolf without getting weird look from people. Or having pack thinking I'm a rouge. Or getting hunted down by the Hunters.

Yeah sometimes life does suck for someone like me. But at least I'm still part of it, so that does matter.

And as I sat there, waiting for my stop. I watches the Sun slowly rises and peaking to the forest. Pretty soon there will be more people taking the morning ride.

So as soon as the driver hit the next stop. I quickly gotten off.

As he watches step down to the cold pavement. Carl Sanchos, my bus driver. Can't help but to notice that I was alone and going no where in such an early hours.

"Be careful Kid, and stay out of trouble" ,he said quietly stuffing a cigarette in his mouth.

I nodded and smiled sincerely as I hopped off. And pretty soon my bus was out of my distance.

Leaving behind out in the cold wilderness.

Alone atlast.

Finding myself a small bush I quickly striped away the fabric that had keep me warm for the winter. Folding them neatly away and tucked into my backpack.

After checking if everything is in place. And that I still have everything.

My body began to shifted.

And just like that my wolf began to ran deep into the forest.

Ah, it been forever since we last done this.

I agree with Snow, I really wish we could go run like this more often

Too bad that it will only lasted a few more miles till the next town.

Yes and if we keep this up. We will be there by sundown.

Without much distraction we began to pace ourselves as we runned. After a few hours of non stop running.

We decided to take a quick rest near a river.

It wasn't hard for us to fine one since after all we are werewolf. And as we approached.

A stench smell of blood engulf our nose.

Silver bullet.

Snow guard suddenly roses. Even though none of senses any presence with danger. As we approached the river. What we saw was left us full of terror.

A man was lying helplessly on the ground bleeding through his shoulder. Face was completely in bruised and batter.

Yet he was still breathing.

We must help him immediately. I still have some alcohol and first aid stuff left. But can you fine us a safe place to hide.

There a cave not far from here up north. Just stop the bleeding now and fix him up later.

I nodded and do as told.

Be careful don't move him to much it might rip the fabric. I told Snow as I sobbed.

Don't worry, everything will be alright. I won't let him won't let him died no matter what.

I knew she was right. We were not going to let anything happens to him.

Not when he is our mate.

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