Help me, please :(

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I was walking into school and guess who I see, Mister Mcnutface or as many people know him Bradley Cooper and his sidekicks Sam and Colby. "What you doing over here y/n?" said Brad 

"I'm getting my books as fast as I can so I can get away from you what about you brad have you come back over to pick on and traumatize me?"

"You should be careful what you say to me y/n," he says as he grabs my neck and pins me up against the lockers behind me " and if you don't you will be in so much more pain then you are now"

 "GET OFF OF ME YOU RAT!!!" I only just was able to say that and then with one swift kick I kicked his balls and he dropped me. I ran outside in the pouring rain and ran to a back area of my school and just sat there crying. "it is always me why is it always me he only ever chooses me to pick on!" 


"guys, I think this whole bullying y/n thing needs to stop," said Colby with a slight amount of worry in his voice

"but why Colby, she is such an easy target we could easily jus--" said same with a toothy grin until Colby cut him off

"no this is getting too much I'm gonna go apologize because apparently, you guys are too stupid and arrogant to be a decent human" Colby storms out of the school halls and outside to go and find y/n\

Y/N POV...

I was just sitting there on the floor in the pouring rain in the corner of my outdoor eating area then I hear a heavy sigh and words that were so unfamiliar to me I jumped. 

"I'm sorry y/n" it was Colby but why was he apologizing

"why are you saying sorry to me you probably thought that was the funniest thing in your life seeing me pinned up against the lockers, helpless and alone with no one to help me. You are just sorry because you don't want people to think badly of you." I could barely keep the tears from overflowing and streaming down my face.

"No I'm actually sorry because I know how you feel, I see the hurt in your eyes every day and it hurts me too even if you don't want to believe me its true." you could tell he was telling the truth by the sighs in his voice and the sadness and hope in his eyes. We ended up talking for about an hour before the school came and found us as laughing and crying messes and sent us both home. While we were talking I gave him my number and I got a text later that day.

You= y/n Colby=Colbs

Colbs: Hey y/n

y/n: Hey Colby what you doing?

Colbs: nothing really and if it is ok with you, do you wanna hang out u and me this Sunday

y/n: where would we go

Colbs: idk but what do you say? please???

Y/n: ok fine see you then

------- skip through to about 3 weeks later(also they did hang out that Sunday and they are really close friends now and I just skipped that Sunday and went straight to the 3 weeks so yea.) --------

Colby pulls up in his car and knocks on my door and if I'm not gonna lie I actually have had a crush on him for a while and tonight I am gonna tell him but I'm scared. I have been really fragile lately and I think about all of the things Bradley has called me they are finally getting to me and if I get turned down I don't think I could handle it. I go over to the door and open it. "Hey y/n, long time no see," he says bringing me into a hug I don't want it to end but as usual, it does. "You ready?"

"Yea I just going to go grab my jacket I will be right back." 

------ skip to about 3 hours later ------

We are hanging out at the park near my house and just talking about stuff from school and from home. I was about to tell him but I hear a rustling in the bushes

"Did you hear that?"

"No, I'm sure it's fine"

It was not fine as I look back I can see someone walking towards us and as he got closer to the light I know who it is. Bradly Cooper. "Sup bitch, why are you hanging out with Colby recently huh? you trying to fuck him aren't you, you slut" and with those words, I ran away I could hear Colby yelling for me to come back but I didn't listen I just ran while the tears ran down my face and loud sobs coming from my mouth.I get to my house and don't even bother locking my front door and just run to the bathroom and grab my razor and start to cut. Every cut getting deeper and deeper and easier than the last. I just fell onto the floor crying while blood flooded from my arm all over the floor of my bathroom. I hear my front door open and feet stamping across the floors to my bathroom and see a pair of legs I know I had seen before. It was Colby. as soon as he stepped in my eyes closed and I couldn't open them again 

"y/n! what are you doing!! no, no, no please wake up Please Y/N I NEED YOU HERE PLEASE WAKE UP!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!" you can still hear whats going on and you hear Colby's sobs and a tear from a piece of clothing, the tear came from Colby's shirt you woke up for a split second. "whats happening?"

"I'm going to save you y/n but just please don't leave ok stay with me, please. I love you y/n please don't leave me." then you feel yourself being picked up and taken out of your house to Colby's car. he put your seat belt on and started driving frantically to the hospital. You woke up about 4 days later and then heard a familiar voice say "Thank god she is awake oh my god your awake y/n, yes, thank you"


"Yes y/n I'm right here what is it?"

"I was going to tell you something that night"

"what was it?"

 "I love you, Colby Brock."

"I love you so much more y/f/n y/l/n, please will you be mine"

"Yes of course"

"thank you, y/n  I love you so much please don't do that again"

"I promise I'm sorry"

"It is ok it's not your fault but I'm here know."


( I hope you guys enjoyed this I know this is a very serious topic and I was in no way trying to make fun or mock it. if any of you are facing this please do find help because you mean so much more than you think you do <3)

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