What was that?

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ok before I start HOLY CRAP GUYS I GOT 1.4K READS, honestly thank you so very very much guys this is amazing. also, this is inspired by one of Elton's pranks so some stuff is kinda taken from the video so sorry about that guys but hopefully you still like it. also, one last thing I'm so sorry guys for being away for so long I didn't mean to be gone for this long but hopefully I will be updating more often maybe once a week maybe a 1 every 2 weeks but I promise I won't be taking as big of a break anytime soon. ATTENTION ok one more thing I will touch on 1 or maybe 2 trigering subjects such as sexual abuse and suicide so if those things trigger you please do not read this story but if you do and you get triggered don't say I didn't warn you.

C = Colby       Y= y/n        S = Sam       U = unkown girl

C = hey guys its Sam and Colby 

S = and today we have a special guest .... (Colby does a drum roll on his car) Y/N!

Y = hi

I said with a shy tone and blushing face. this was the first time Sam and Colby were inviting me to do an exploration video and I was really worried. As I said hi Colby was looking at me just smiling ugh I love him so much but I don't know what to do because he is my best friend but I don't want my love for him to ruin our friendship. I don't know.

C= so guys today we are going to be going to an abandoned Nazi camp and we are staying overnight.

Y = you didn't tell me it was a Nazi camp!? what are we also summoning the midnight man while we are there like can you give me some context before you guys bring me into things you just said we were going on an exploration.

S = we also didn't tell you that there are basically 500 really steep steps we have to walk down to get there

Y= wow thanks, guys you are really good at communication guys (I say sarcastically)

S = anyway I guess its time to go (he said with a huge smile on his face)

------------- skip to halfway walking down the stairs  -------------

C= hey sam don't like satanist cults come here?

S = yeah I'm pretty sure that's what Wikipedia said

Y = I can let you guys off this time but if I ever come again and if we ever even survive this can you give me some more information before we get to the destination? 

C= sure why not take the fun out of it y/n ( he says laughing)

  ------------- they got down the stairs and are finding a place to hide out  -------------  

Y= alright what abou- 

S = sshhh!

In the distance, we hear a group of people walking down the stairs. sadly it didn't sound like only a few people it sounded like at least 6 which is double the number of people we have.

Y= ok so what are the chances they are just explorers like us or satan worshipers?

C= at least 40% to 60% chance

Y=  Sheet

S = guys what do we do? do we hide and wait for it to be finished or do we confront them and just say we want to leave

Y = are fricking insane if the statistics are what Colby said our best choice to hide until they are finished whatever they are doing.

C = I think y/n is right we are completely outnumbered our best bet is to hide and just wait until they cant see us and escape or just wait until whoever they leave

Colby Brock imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now